The Korean journal of pain
Intrathecal drug delivery is an effective and safe option for the treatment of chronic pathology refractory to conventional pain therapies. Typical intrathecal administered drugs are opioids, baclofen, local anesthetics and adjuvant medications. Although knowledge about mechanisms of action of intrathecal drugs are every day more clear many doubt remain respect the correct location of intrathecal catheter in order to achieve the best therapeutic result. ⋯ In the second category, the variables in CSF flow, are considered that can modify the drug distribution within the CSF with special attention to the new theories of liquoral circulation. Last category try to explain inter-individual difference in baclofen response with difference that are specific for each patients such as the anatomical area to treat, patient posture or reaction to inflammatory stimulus. We conclude that a comprehensive evaluation of the patients, including imaging techniques to study the anatomy and physiology of intrathecal environment and CSF dynamics, could become essential in the future to the purpose of optimize the clinical outcome of intrathecal therapy.
Nerve injury sometimes leads to chronic neuropathic pain associated with neuroinflammation in the nervous system. In the case of chronic neuropathic pain, the inflammatory and algesic mediators become predominant and result in pain hypersensitivity following nervous system damage. It is well known that urinary trypsin inhibitor (ulinastatin, UTI) has an anti-inflammatory activity. Recently, the neuroprotective action of UTI on the nervous system after ischemic injury has been reported. Thus, we evaluated the neuroprotective effect of ulinastatin in a rat model of neuropathic pain. ⋯ Ulinastatin, which was administered for 3 days after SNL, increased the paw withdrawal threshold and it could have a neuroprotective effect in the rat model of neuropathic pain.
Conventional transcrural CPB via the "walking off" the vertebra technique may injure vital organs while attempting to proximally spread injectate around the celiac plexus. Therefore, we attempted the CT-simulated fluoroscopy-guided transdiscal approach to carry out transcrural CPB in a safer manner, spreading the injectate more completely and closely within the celiac plexus area. ⋯ After simulating the transdiscal pathway through the T11-12 intervertebral disc, we predetermined the optimal insertion point (3.6 cm from the midline), insertion angle (18 degrees), and advancement plane, as well as the proper depth. With the transdiscal approach, we successfully performed transcrural CPB within a narrow angle, and the bilateral approach was not necessary as we were able to achieve the bilateral spread of the injectate with the single approach.
Should we start treating chronic low back pain with antibiotics rather than with pain medications?
For those of us who have read the 2 recently published articles by a Danish - British research group, it might appear that we are observing an impending paradigm shift on the origins of chronic low back pain. The results of this research indicate, that chronic low back pain associated with bone marrow edema in vertebral endplates that are adjacent to herniated intervertebral discs may be caused by infections with anaerobic bacteria of low virulence. According to these articles, treatment with certain antibiotics is significantly more effective than placebo against this low back pain. ⋯ While this seems hard to believe at first glance, bacteria have been implicated in the pathogenesis of other conditions that do not primarily impose as infectious diseases such as gastric ulcers. While the authors refer to a few previous studies pointing into the same direction, the relevant research is really only from one group of collaborating scientists. Therefore, before we start prescribing antibiotics for chronic low back pain, it is imperative that other researchers in different institutions confirm these results.
Incisional pain is particularly troublesome after hysterectomy. A method called transversus abdominis plane block (TAPB) has shown promise in managing postoperative pain. In this study, we evaluated the analgesic efficacy of ultrasound-guided TAPB after hysterectomy at different time points and at each time point separately for 48 hours. ⋯ This study showed that TAPB did not result in a statistically significant decrease in VAS scores at different time points. TAPB did lead to decreased fentanyl flow, but when we compared the two groups at each time point separately, the observed difference was not statistically significant.