The Korean journal of pain
This study sought to determine safe ranges of oblique angle, skin entry point and needle length by reviewing computed tomography (CT) scans and to evaluate the usefulness of a bent tip needle during celiac plexus block (CPB). ⋯ We identified safe values of angles and distances using a straight needle. Furthermore, using a bent tip needle under a 20° oblique fluoroscopic view, we could safely perform CPB with smaller parameter values.
Lumbar discogenic pain without pain mediated by a disc herniation, facet joints, or the sacroiliac joints, is common and often results in chronic, persistent pain and disability. After conservative treatment failure, injection therapy, such as an epidural injection, is frequently the next step considered in managing discogenic pain. The objective of this systematic review is to determine the efficacy of lumbar epidural injections in managing discogenic pain without radiculopathy, and compare this approach to lumbar fusion or disc arthroplasty surgery. ⋯ The available evidence suggests fluoroscopically directed epidural injections provide long-term improvement in back and lower extremity pain for patients with lumbar discogenic pain. There is also limited evidence showing the potential effectiveness of surgical interventions compared to nonsurgical treatments.
Insomnia is becoming increasingly recognized as a clinically important symptom in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). In this retrospective study, we have determined risk factors associated with clinical insomnia in CLBP patients in a university hospital in Korea. ⋯ Insomnia should be addressed as an integral part of pain management in CLBP patients with these risk factors, especially in patients suffering from CLBP with comorbid musculoskeletal pain.
Recently, percutaneous epidural neuroplasty has become widely used to treat radicular pain caused by spinal stenosis or a herniated intervertebral disc. A 19-year-old female patient suffering from left radicular pain caused by an L4-L5 intervertebral disc herniation underwent percutaneous epidural neuroplasty of the left L5 nerve root using a Racz catheter. After the procedure, the patient complained of acute motor weakness in the right lower leg, on the opposite site to where the neuroplasty was conducted. ⋯ The patient recovered her motor and sensory functions immediately after the surgery. Theoretically, the injection of a large volume of fluid in a patient with severe spinal stenosis during epidural neuroplasty can increase the pressure on the opposite side of the epidural space, which may cause injury of the opposite nerve by barotrauma from a closed compartment. Practitioners should be aware of this potential complication.