Pflege Zeitschrift
The "Charter of Rights for People Needing Care and Nursing" was developed within the "Roundtable: Nursing", established by the German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and the German Federal Ministry of Health and Social Security (BMGS), and was published in September 2005. The aim of the charter is to heighten the public consciousness for human rights in care and nursing, and to improve the situation of those in need. In this context a research project was developed to provide an evaluation of the charter by professionals in leading positions and to test its implementation. ⋯ Ninety percent of those questioned believe that the charter is necessary and important, because from their point of view questions regarding how human beings are perceived are of fundamental importance for principles and guidelines of institution management. Additionally, the charter is considered to be an appropriate means of supporting the further development of nursing and care concept. It could also lead to the improvement of transparency and could serve as a reference point in connection with quality management, and under certain conditions, it could offer criteria relevant to the provision of medical and home care by health insurance.