Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Jan 2015
Review[The current pharmacotherapy of pulmonary arterial hypertension].
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a chronic, serious disease caused by remodeling of small pulmonary vessels, which leads to increase of pulmonary resistance, right heart failure and death. The 1990ths of XX century are the beginning of dynamic research into the pathophysiology and treatment of this disease. ⋯ Due to the high cost of the therapy, there has been created the national therapeutic program in Poland. It assures the real possibility of therapy for patients with PAH from the third FC WHO.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Jan 2015
Review[Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a risk factor for coronary heart disease].
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and coronary artery disease (CAD) are a significant health problem, not only due to their high incidence, but also because of the significant burden of socio - economic. The frequency of illness in a population, in both cases increases with age and in people over 70 years of age is properly 50% and 75%. Epidemiological data suggest that patients with COPD are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and impaired lung function is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular death. This phenomenon may be related to common genetic predisposition and of systemic inflammation for atherosclerosis.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Jan 2015
Comparative Study Clinical Trial[Comparison of the effect of laser and magnetic therapy for pain level and the range of motion of the spine of people with osteoarthritis lower back].
Increased expression of degenerative disease of the lumbar spine is an onerous task, which reduces the efficiency of the activity and life of many populations. It is the most common cause of medical visits. In 95% of cases the cause of complaints is a destructive process in the course of degenerative intervertebral disc called a lumbar disc herniation. Protrusion of the nucleus pulposus causes severe pain and impaired muscle tone, often more chronic and difficult to master. Successful treatment of lumbar disc herniation constitutes a serious interdisciplinary problem. It is important to properly planned and carried out physiotherapy. Based on the number of non-invasive methods, to reduce muscle tension, mute pain and alleviation of inflammation. It is the treatment safe, effective, and at the same time, which is their big advantage, readily available and cheap. It is worth noting that not every method has the same efficiency. The question that the methods are effective in relieving pain and helping to effectively increase the range of motion led to a comparison of two methods - Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and pulsating magnetic field therapy. ⋯ Both laser and magnet therapy reduces pain and improves mobility of the spine of people with degenerative spine disease of the lower back. Comparison of the effectiveness of both methods showed a greater analgesic effect of laser treatment, and greater mobility of the spine was observed under the influence of pulsating magnetic field therapy.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Jan 2015
Review[Etiological, epidemiological and clinical aspects of coronavirus infection MERS-CoV].
All medical staff and travellers to the Arabian Peninsula should be aware of a new epidemic caused by Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), which has emerged in the Arabian Peninsula (2012), secondary cases have been seen in Africa, Europe, Asia and the United States. It seems likely that the outbreak will continue with sporadic adventive cases occurring outside the Middle East, including Poland. Polish medical literature on MERS-CoV is rather scant. ⋯ The diagnosis is made by demonstrating the MERS-CoV in lower respiratory secretions by RT PCR. General hygiene measures such as regular hand washing before and after touching animals and avoiding contact with sick animals in the epidemic areas, should be adhered to. Health-care workers should always apply standard precautions consistently with all patients, regardless of their diagnosis due to non-specific symptoms of MERS-CoV in the early stage of infection.
Ebola virus disease is a zoonosis causing high mortality epidemics in both human and animal populations. The virus belongs to the Filoviride family. It is composed of a single-strand of RNA. ⋯ The virus is damaged by standard disinfectants used in health care units. Epidemic, which broke out in February 2014, caused by the most dangerous type Zaire, is the greatest of the existing. Morbidity and mortality is underestimated due to numerous unreported cases.