Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Jun 1999
Case Reports[Hyperkalemic periodic muscle paralysis in primary adrenocortical insufficiency. A case report].
20-years old man was admitted to the hospital because of a few paroxysmal muscle paralysis episodes with pronounced periodic hiperkalemia (maximal 9.8 mmol/l). The first episode was preceded by a very hard physical effort. Primary adrenal insufficiency was recognised on the basis of clinical, humoral and biochemical examinations. ⋯ The patient was treated with hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone acetate (Cortineff) with positive result. During one year of this therapy his general condition was very good and clinical, humoral and biochemical signs (except of metabolic acidosis) resolved. Neurological symptoms and a very high serum kalium level were the most important signs of primary adrenal insufficiency in the presented case.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Nov 1998
Comparative Study[The value of urine sediment cytomorphology in the ambulatory differential diagnosis of hematuria].
In order to improve early diagnosis of urotheliale neoplasms (UN) in nephrology outpatient clinic, 274 patients (221 male and 53 female, mean age 54 yrs), with recurrent hematuria (> 5 E/hpf) were investigated in years 1994-1998. The following examinations of fresh urine sediment were performed: in 114pts (group 1) erythrocytes of urine sediment examined with phase-contrast microscopy (PCM); in 129pts (group II) urine sediment examined with classical oncological cytology; in the III-rd group of 31pts (29M and 2F, aged 61-72), both methods were used because of high suspicion on UN on the ground of initial result of PCM, precisely clinical anamnesis as well as predominance of men in advanced age. Results were as follows. ⋯ In the remaining 3pts results of urinary cytology were false negative. False positive result of urinary cytology occurred in one from 9pts with glomerular hematuria and clinical or morphological (in renal biopsy) evidence of glomerulonephritis. On the results of the study, we propose--as an obligatory--in every case of recurrent hematuria of urological origin in PCM, examination of fresh urinary sediment with classical oncological cytology, especially if the patient belongs to the high risk group for urotheliale neoplasms.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Dec 1997
Biography Historical Article[August Karl Bier--one hundred years of cocaine use in spinal anesthesia].
It is a history of cocaine use by A. K. Bier in spinal anaesthesia. ⋯ He described his experience with this technique in 6 patients. This contribution was the first clinical word concerning a description of instruments and complication of spinal anaesthesia with cocaine. First in Poland who used cocaine in spinal anaesthesia was Franciszek Kijewski, surgeon from Warsaw.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Dec 1997
Case Reports[Mediastinal abscesses and empyema of the pleural cavity after iatrogenic fracture of the sternum].
A case report presents fracture of sternum during the resuscitation and in continuity iatrogenic hematoma and afterwards abscessus of mediastinum, and empyema the both of pleura cavities. Fracture of thorax wall is rather often event, but in the most, it has not adverse effects. This case refers to 68 years old patient, who had one of the most serious complications: abscessus of mediastinum, empyema of left and right pleura cavities with perforation outside the anterior wall of thorax. He was treated in General Hospital Biała Podlaska, Department of Surgery with good results and was extracted home as well-being patient after 35 days spent in hospital the second hospitalisation.
Pol. Merkur. Lekarski · Oct 1997
Clinical Trial[Analysis of ventilation parameters before and after fiber optic bronchoscopy in patients with atopic bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases].
Bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis in a stable period of the disease could be an indication for diagnostic bronchofiberoscopy. The aim of the authors of this article is to assess whether bronchoscopy may be safely used either as diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. 21 patients (age 33-46), 13 with atopic bronchial asthma and 8 with COPD took part in this study. The measurements were carried out one day before and 3 hours after the bronchoscopy. ⋯ Bronchospasm was not observed during the study. Moreover the increase in FEF50, FEF75 and R aw were observed. This significant decrease of amount of bronchial discharge could serve as an explanation of this phenomenon.