Regional anesthesia
Regional anesthesia · Jan 1991
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialPostoperative pain treatment after open knee surgery: continuous lumbar plexus block with bupivacaine versus epidural morphine.
The anesthetic and side effects of a continuous lumbar plexus block ("3-in-1" block) were compared with that of epidurally administered morphine after open knee surgery. Twenty-two patients were randomized into two groups in this prospective, double-blind study. At the end of surgery, catheters were inserted for all the patients into both the femoral nerve sheath and the epidural space. ⋯ The pain scores and supplemental morphine consumption were low in both groups and did not differ significantly. Lumbar plexus block produced a statistically significant a lower incidence of nausea, vomiting, pruritus and urinary retention. Although no significant differences in pain relief were shown between the two methods, we conclude that postoperative lumbar plexus block is preferable for postoperative pain relief because there is a lower frequency of side effects.
Regional anesthesia · Jan 1991
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialAnalgesic efficacy of low doses of intravenously administered lidocaine on experimental laser-induced pain: a placebo controlled study.
The analgesic efficacy of low doses of intravenously administered lidocaine on experimental laser-induced pain was studied. Lidocaine or placebo was infused intravenously in ten healthy volunteers on 2 separate days according to a double-blind, randomized, cross-over design. Analgesia was assessed by argon laser-induced sensory and pain thresholds and pain evoked potentials after doses of 0.7, 1.85 and 3.7 mg/kg of lidocaine, infused over 15, 45 and 75 minutes, respectively. ⋯ Although administration of the highest dose of lidocaine (mean plasma concentration, 8.5 mumol/l) caused significant increases in pain and sensory thresholds, the magnitude of these increases was no greater than those that occurred during placebo infusion. The power of the pain evoked potentials was significantly decreased by the highest dose of lidocaine (p = 0.0024) compared with placebo. These results probably reflect that the effect of lidocaine on subjective pain perception might be caused primarily by sedation.
Regional anesthesia · Jan 1991
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialIntercostal nerve block for minor breast surgery.
Two anesthetic procedures, intercostal nerve block (ICNB) and general anesthesia, were evaluated in 45 female patients scheduled for minor breast surgery. The study was designed to compare ICNB with general anesthesia for breast surgery with respect to efficacy, surgical stress and postoperative analgesia and to evaluate epinephrine and ornipressin as vasoconstrictors in the local anesthetic solution. Thirty patients received ICNB of T3-T7 unilaterally using 2% lidocaine plus epinephrine (15 patients, Group A) and 2% lidocaine plus ornipressin (15 patients, Group B). ⋯ Before and during surgery, epinephrine and norepinephrine plasma levels were highest in the epinephrine group, whereas, postoperatively, the plasma levels of both catecholamines were highest in the patients receiving general anesthesia. The latter patients experienced significantly more nausea and vomiting than the regional anesthesia groups. Patients with regional anesthesia required significantly less analgesics postoperatively than the patients receiving general anesthesia.
Regional anesthesia · Jan 1991
Anatomic spread of india ink in the human intercostal space with radiographic correlation.
In a study designed to determine the spread of anesthetic solutions in the intercostal space, the spread of india ink was studied in fresh cadavers. They were turned prone and had epidural catheters placed at ribs 4, 6, 8 and 10, 7-8 cm lateral to the midline, by two different techniques. Group 1 had epidural catheters directed laterally into the subcostal groove. ⋯ Posteroanterior and lateral radiographs taken with contrast material in live patients confirmed these patterns of spread. The catheters in Groups 1 and 2 were within the same tissue plane. The results indicate that the pattern of spread obtained by injection of fluid in the intercostal space is dependent upon the site of injection in relation to the angle of the rib.
Epidural abscess is a neurologic emergency. Diagnosis may be difficult and costly to patients and health care providers in terms of time and money expended. ⋯ Diagnostic studies were performed that documented the presence of a spinal epidural abscess. Routine aspiration of an implanted epidural catheter facilitated the early diagnosis of epidural abscess in our patient prior to the performance of these studies.