Journal of surgical orthopaedic advances
Comparative Study
Microdiscectomy: spinal anesthesia offers optimal results in general patient population.
Spinal anesthesia provides a safe and highly satisfactory alternative to general anesthesia in patients undergoing limited lumbar surgery. Nevertheless, it is not commonly used for spinal surgery, and in some centers it is not even considered as an option for spinal procedures. This study presents the current anesthetic technique for patients undergoing microdiscectomy and compares the peri- and postoperative outcomes in 76 patients drawn from a case-controlled study group. ⋯ Spinal anesthesia patients required less pain medication and experienced less nausea and emesis. Even among young, medically fit patients, spinal anesthesia provided specific advantages over general anesthesia, including decreased anesthesia time, decreased nausea and antiemetic requirements, reduced analgesic requirements, and a trend toward lower complication rates and shorter hospital stay. Both surgeon and patient satisfaction with this anesthetic approach is high.
Pneumatic tourniquets about the thigh are commonly employed in lower extremity orthopaedic surgery to maintain a bloodless operative field. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the position of the knee at the time of tourniquet inflation has an impact on knee range of motion (ROM). Passive ROM of the knees of 30 patients was measured with the tourniquet deflated, with the tourniquet inflated while the knees were in extension, and with the tourniquet inflated while the knees were in flexion. ⋯ When the tourniquet was inflated with the knees in extension, the average knee ROM was 143.0 degrees with a standard deviation of 7.8 degrees (range, 125 degrees -159 degrees ). When the tourniquet was inflated with the knees in flexion, the average knee ROM was 143.7 degrees with a standard deviation of 7.8 degrees (range, 124 degrees -160 degrees ). There was a statistically significant difference between the ROM of knees with tourniquet inflation in flexion versus extension (p = .0011.) Although there was a statistical difference, it was concluded that a difference of approximately 1 degrees in knee ROM is not clinically relevant.