Accident and emergency nursing
A disaster is internationally defined as: 'a catastrophic event which, relative to the manpower and resources available, overwhelms a healthcare facility and usually occurs in a short period of time'. War produces such events following every major engagement, resulting in continuous streams of casualties with injuries reflecting the type of campaign being fought and weapons used. Chemical weapons are designed more to injure than to kill, as has been demonstrated in conflicts that have involved the use of such weapons where mortality has been 3-5%. ⋯ It is therefore essential that disaster planning and training takes account of these hazards in areas where such a threat exists, in order to save the maximum number of lives and prevent secondary casualties among hospital and rescue staff. The principles outlined in this paper apply equally well to civilian disasters involving the many hazardous materials of industry being transported daily on roads, railways and in the air. This paper will give an overview of the nature of chemical weapons and of some of the medical/tactical problems when disaster involves chemical warfare agents.
Previous articles have looked at particular aspects of the named nurse concept, but few have addressed the perceived difficulties in the speciality of Accident and Emergency (A & E) nursing. This paper seeks to promote discussion with other specialist areas/departments/units.
The aim of this study was to enable a research-based standard to be set in relation to waiting times. This would be in accordance with the recommendations of the Patient's Charter (Department of Health 1992). ⋯ Between 1 January and 31 December 1992 a random sample of 230 casualty cards were drawn and analyzed. Analysis showed that 90.5% of patients in the sample were assessed by a nurse at or within 10 minutes of arrival, and 83.25% of patients in the sample were seen by the doctor at or within 60 minutes of arrival.