Giornale italiano di cardiologia
[Effect and action mechanism of hypothermia to preserve the ischaemic myocardium (author's transl)].
The ability of hypothermia (34 degrees, 28 degrees) to preserve cardiac metabolism and performance during ischemia, was evaluated in the isolated Langendorff perfused rabbit heart. The hearts, isolated and perfused aerobically for 20', were made ischemic for 90' and their wall temperature maintained either at 37 degrees, 34 degrees and 28 degrees. The hearts were consequently reperfused at 37 degrees for 30'. ⋯ That was coincident with and almost complete recovery of mechanical performance. Hypothermia at 34 degrees during ischemia provoked only a partial protection. These results are discussed in accordance with the hypothesis that hypothermia protects heart muscle against the deleterious effects of ischemia not only by reducing the metabolic requirement but also by maintaining intracellular homeostasis with respect to Ca++.
Case Reports
[How much harm can be caused by a badly recorded or badly interpreted ECG! (author's transl)].
Two cases are presented which support the sentence of the title. In a 38 years old man a life insurance company proposed an extra charge on the basis of a pseudoischemic ECG due to exceeding pressure of the writing pen on the ECG paper. ⋯ Physical activity was restricted and three pregnancies were interrupted. 18 years later an angiography showed normal coronary vessels. Some months later an echocardiogram showed an abnormal pericardial pattern, giving a possible explanation for the abnormal ECG.
Anticoagulant-thrombolytic therapy and surgery, remain the topics of recent advances in the treatment of pulmonary embolism. The Authors have treated 3 patients with anticoagulant-thrombolytic therapy, and 14 patients with pulmonary embolectomy with cardiopulmonary bypass. By this experience, they suggest an indication for medical or surgical treatment for pulmonary embolism.