Studies in health technology and informatics
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Online training evaluation in VR simulators using Gaussian Mixture Models.
A new approach to evaluate training in simulators based on virtual reality is proposed. This approach uses Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) for modeling and classification of the simulation in pre-defined classes of training.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Evaluation of INPRES--Intraoperative Presentation of surgical planning and simulation results.
In this paper we present fundamental results of the first evaluation of INPRES in a laboratory environment. While the system itself--an HMD-based approach for intraoperative augmented reality in head and neck surgery--has been described elsewhere several times, this paper will focus on methods and outcome of recently accomplished test procedures.
The Arden Syntax is a simple syntax that allows physicians to encode medical knowledge in small modules, called medical logic modules (MLM). These MLM are well suited to data-driven alerts and reminders. ⋯ Our work proposes an environment that simulates various elements required by MLMs, allowing the students to execute the MLMs they have written immediately. This provides the necessary feedback to understand in depth the inner workings of MLMs.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Transatlantic medical education: preliminary data on distance-based high-fidelity human patient simulation training.
Advanced training using Human Patient Simulators (HPS) is, for the large part, unavailable for the majority of healthcare providers in rural, remote, and less developed regions of the world--either due to their separation from the major medical education centers or significant fiscal austerity. Remote access to HPS based on the Applications Software Provider principles may provide the solution to this problem. The medical ASP (MED-ASP) concept proposed and developed by MedSMART has been subjected to an extensive qualitative and quantitative international test conducted among France, Italy, and USA. ⋯ Moreover, we now validate for the first time the concept of simulation-based, fully interactive transatlantic medical ADL that we have proposed in our previous theoretical papers. The present experiments prove that training based on advanced technologies transcends barriers of distance, time, and national medical guidelines. Hence, international simulation-based distance training may ultimately provide the most realistic platform for a large-scale training of emergency medical personnel in less developed countries and in rural/remote regions of the globe.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Use of an augmented reality display of patient monitoring data to enhance anesthesiologists' response to abnormal clinical events.
One obstacle to safety in the operating room is anesthesiologist distraction having to shift attention back and forth from the patient to a vital sign monitor while performing either routine or emergency procedures. The purpose of this study was to measure the decrease in anesthesiologist distraction made possible by using a head-worn, see-through personal display (HWD) using retinal scanning technology. ⋯ The Nomad reduced the number of times the anesthesiologist had to shift their attention by a more than a third (17 times versus 58 times). This allowed them to spend more time focused on the patient.