Studies in health technology and informatics
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2011
Toward a simulation and assessment method for the practice of camera-guided rigid bronchoscopy.
We have developed a way to measure performance during a camera-guided rigid bronchoscopy using manikin-based simulation. In an effort to measure contact pressures within the airway during a rigid bronchoscopy, we instrumented pressure sensors in a commercially available bronchoscopy task trainer. ⋯ However, novices touched a greater number of areas than experts, showing that novices induce a higher number of unnecessary soft-tissue contact compared to experts. Moreover, our results show that experts exert significantly less soft tissue pressure compared to novices.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2011
The single source architecture x4T to connect medical documentation and clinical research.
Clinical trials often require large and redundant documentation efforts, because information systems in patient care and research are separated. In two clinical trials we have assessed the number of study items available in the clinical information system for re-use in clinical research. ⋯ Based on this analysis we have designed and implemented an architecture for an integrated clinical trial documentation workflow. Key aspects are the re-use of existing medical routine data and the integration into current documentation workflows.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2011
ReviewEvaluation of telephone triage and advice services: a systematic review on methods, metrics and results.
Telephone triage and advice services (TTAS) have been increasingly used to assess patients' symptoms, provide information and refer patients to appropriate levels of care (attempting to pursue efficiency and quality of care gains while ensuring safety). However, previous reviews have pointed out for the need for adequately evaluating TTAS. ⋯ To review TTAS evaluation studies, compile methodologies and metrics used and compare results. Systematic search in PubMed database; data collection and categorization by TTAS features and context, type of evaluation, methods, metrics and results; critical assessment of studies; discussion on research needs. 395 articles screened, 55 of them included in the analysis. In conclusion, several aspects of TTAS impact on healthcare systems remain unclear either due to a lack of research (e.g. on long term clinical outcomes, clinical pathways, safety, enhanced access) or because of huge disparities in existing studies on the accuracy of advice, patient compliance, system use, satisfaction and economic evaluation. Further research on TTAS impact is required, comprising multiple perspectives and broad range of metrics.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2011
Generation of connectivity-preserving surface models of multiple sclerosis lesions.
Progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) results in brain lesions caused by white matter inflammation. MS lesions have various shapes, sizes and locations, affecting cognitive abilities of patients to different extents. ⋯ This tool allows users to create 3D models of lesions quickly and to visualize the lesions and brain tissues using various visual attributes and configurations. The software package is based on breadth-first search based 3D connected component analysis and a 3D flood-fill based region growing algorithm to generate 3D models from binary or non-binary segmented medical image stacks.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2011
Multicenter StudyBattlefield tracheal intubation training using virtual simulation: a multi center operational assessment of video laryngoscope technology.
Airway management is an essential skill in providing care in trauma situations. The video laryngoscope is a tool which offers improvement in teaching airway management skills and in managing airways of trauma patients on the far forward battlefield. An Operational Assessment (OA) of videolaryngoscope technology for medical training and airway management was conducted by the Center for Advanced Technology and Telemedicine (at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE) for the US Air Force Modernization Command to validate this technology in the provision of Out of OR airway management and airway management training in military simulation centers. The value for both the training and performance of intubations was highly rated and the majority of respondents indicated interest in having a video laryngoscope in their facility.