Studies in health technology and informatics
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Virtual reality therapy in aid of senior citizens' psychological disorders.
The treatment for senior citizens suffering from psychological disorders seems to be different from therapeutic procedures used for other populations. This pilot study is the first known in-depth case study of the effectiveness of virtual reality therapy (VRT) as a treatment for senior citizens. The fear of flying treatment was chosen for this study. ⋯ These symptoms included sweaty palms, loss of balance, weakness in the knees, etc. In this study, the virtual reality treatment caused a significant reduction in the anxiety symptoms in the subject and enhanced her ability to face phobic situations in the real world. Since termination of the treatment, she has taken several flights to professional conferences and reported feeling more comfortable and has fewer symptoms than those experienced prior to the VRT treatment.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Web-access to a Lung Deposition Model for radiation protection and physiological modeling.
A C++ implementation of the ICRP Lung Deposition Model was validated and made accessible by creating a web interface using Perl. Considerable understanding of this lung deposition model was obtained and a small number of errors identified in the code during this process. Documentation was developed using MathML and scalable vector graphics (SVG).
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Modelling human burn injuries in a three-dimensional virtual environment.
This paper gives a work-in-progress report on our research project BurnCase, a virtual environment for modelling human burn injuries. The goal of the project is to simplify and improve the diagnosis and medical treatment of burns. Due to the lack of electronic and computational support for current diagnosis methods, enormous variations regarding the approximated size of burned skin regions exist. ⋯ When used as centralized burn accident registration service, a huge knowledge base of burn diagnoses and consequent medical treatment will emerge. This knowledge base will allow medical advices and diagnosis support for any kind of burn accidents, and it will consequently improve and support the primary diagnosis process of burn accidents. Thus, an enormous reduction of time and costs of medical burn treatment will be reached.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Ten years of medical informatics education experience at the Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo.
The medical informatics as the separate medical discipline very quickly gets developed, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In our country, the medical informatics is a separate subject for the last ten years, regarding to the Medical curriculum at the biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina is in accordance with the project of the education related to Bologna declaration and the project EURO MEDICINA. This year the Chair of the Medical Informatics of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo celebrates ten years of its existence. ⋯ The education in the field of the medical informatics is based at the concept which is used in the developed countries of the world, and according the recommendations of the working groups of the European and world association of the medical informatics. The theoretical and practical teaching and training performance in the wholeness is performed by use of the computer equipment, and the final knowledge check of the students also is performed using the Data Base Management System MSAccess specifically designed to cover full teaching and training material by using questions set in the data base which encircled nearly 1500 questions combinations.
Stud Health Technol Inform · Jan 2003
Transatlantic medical education: preliminary data on distance-based high-fidelity human patient simulation training.
Advanced training using Human Patient Simulators (HPS) is, for the large part, unavailable for the majority of healthcare providers in rural, remote, and less developed regions of the world--either due to their separation from the major medical education centers or significant fiscal austerity. Remote access to HPS based on the Applications Software Provider principles may provide the solution to this problem. The medical ASP (MED-ASP) concept proposed and developed by MedSMART has been subjected to an extensive qualitative and quantitative international test conducted among France, Italy, and USA. ⋯ Moreover, we now validate for the first time the concept of simulation-based, fully interactive transatlantic medical ADL that we have proposed in our previous theoretical papers. The present experiments prove that training based on advanced technologies transcends barriers of distance, time, and national medical guidelines. Hence, international simulation-based distance training may ultimately provide the most realistic platform for a large-scale training of emergency medical personnel in less developed countries and in rural/remote regions of the globe.