North Carolina medical journal
CaroMont Health has embraced the Triple Aim initiative to implement its core vision and competencies of delivering health care, promoting individual wellness, and creating vibrant communities. An imperative to achieve success has been aligning the corporate goals with the processes and outcomes that foster the Triple Aim.
To enhance the impact of Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC)'s population health initiatives, CCNC partnered with the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to bring persons who are dually eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare, as well as Medicare beneficiaries, into CCNC's system of medical homes and community-based care management supports.
Telehealth improves access to medical services, especially for people living in rural areas. In North Carolina, the advantages of telepsychiatry also go beyond improving access. This article describes a diverse program of telehealth and telepsychiatric service delivery and discusses its advantages and disadvantages.