Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal
The cardiovascular effects of intravenous droperiodol 5 mg were measured in 20 patients during steady state enflurane-nitrous oxide-oxygen or enflurane-oxygen anaesthesia, droperiodol produced significant decreases in SVR and BP and increases in HR and Qt which were maximal after five minutes, somewhat less five minutes, somewhat less five minutes later, and back to control values 15 minutes after administration. SV was not significantly altered by droperiodol during enflurane-nitrous oxide-oxygen at any time after administration. ⋯ These data demonstrate that droperidol produces a significant though transiet reduction of BP and SVR during enfluane anaesthesia which is associated with no change or an increase in Qt. Our findings suggest that droperidol causes minimal or no myocardial depression when used during potent inhalation anaesthesia and may have a place as an amnesic supplement and/or "afterload" reducer during light enflurance anaesthesia.
This study involves ventilation of the lungs with warmed humidifed anaesthetic gases during prolonged elective abdominal operations. Tympanic, oesophageal and toe temperatures were compared bewteen twenty warmed and twenty un-warmed patients at various times during operation and recovery. Fifty per cent (10/20) unwarmed patients shivered in the recovery room, while none of the warmed patients shivered. Our data indicate that pulmonary ventilation with warm humidified anaesthetic gases provides heat transfer by the lungs, preventing hypothermia during operation and post -anaesthesia shivering is prevented by maintaining the patient normothermic in both the operating room and the recovery room.