Federal register
This final rule implements provisions of the Immigration Act of 1990 (IMMACT). Public Law No. 101-649, November 29, 1990, and the Armed Forces Immigration Adjustment Act of 1991. Public Law No. 102-110, October 1, 1991, as they relate to temporary alien workers seeking nonimmigrant classification and admission to the United States under sections 101(a)(15) (H), (L), (O), and (P) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act), 8 U. ⋯ C. 1101. This rule also contains technical amendments which reflect the Service's operating experience under the H and L classifications. This rule will conform Service policy to the intent of Congress as it relates to these classifications, implement new nonimmigrant classifications and requirements established by Public Law 101-649 and Public Law No. 102-110, and clarify for businesses and the general public requirements for classification, admission, and maintenance of status.