Klinichna khirurhiia / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov'ia Ukraïny, Naukove tovarystvo khirurhiv Ukraïny
In 1352 patients with urgent diseases and traumatic injuries of the abdominal cavity organs laparoscopy was conducted. Diagnostic authenticity of method is 96.5%. Indications to remedial laparoscopy, conducted in 47.4% of patients, were rendered concrete and broadened. An acute inflammation was eliminated in 95.3% of patients, which were operated on according to the indications in a "cool period", 104 (7.5%) of patients died.
The results of treatment of 590 patients are analyzed, to whom the operations on trachea were conducted. In 91 patient 99 complications have occurred, 35 (6.4%) patients died. But due to the operation method refinement, new approaches elaboration, improvement of the measures of tracheoplasty complications prophylaxis and treatment, 2 (1.4%) patients died of 142 operated on during last years.
The pelvic bones osteosynthesis was conducted in 94 patients. While planning the treatment the author have used the pelvic injuries classification of AO. ⋯ Osteosynthesis of the ventral and dorsal parts of pelvis was conducted in 12 patients. The introduction of the stable-functional osteosynthesis methods have permitted to exclude the necessity of the additional immobilization application, to achieve good results in the majority of patients with pelvic injuries.