Iranian Red Crescent medical journal
Iran Red Crescent Med J · Feb 2015
Mothers' satisfaction with two systems of providing care to their hospitalized children.
Despite the paramount importance of the patient's satisfaction, there are limited data on mothers' satisfaction with the nursing care provided to their children in Iranian clinical settings. ⋯ Improving the quality of care is associated with higher patient's satisfaction. Accordingly, developing and implementing programs for improving nurses' communication and clinical skills can improve both care quality and patient outcomes.
Iran Red Crescent Med J · Feb 2015
Randomized, clinical trial on diathermy and scalpel incisions in elective general surgery.
Since a long time skin incisions have routinely been made with scalpels. Now a day there is a shift in trend from this method to electrosurgical skin incisions. However, fear of bad scars and improper wound healing has prevented its wide spread use. This Study aimed to compare both methods of skin incisions for different variables. ⋯ Diathermy incision is a safe and expedient technique. It takes less time than scalpel incision and loss of blood is also lower during incision. Diathermy is associated with lesser post-operative pain and complications than the scalpel incision. Diathermy should be method of choice in general elective surgery.
Iran has the highest number of Umrah pilgrims among Islamic countries. Health care plays a major role in fulfilling the Umrah rites. Pilgrims' health situation depends on their health knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP). ⋯ Educational strategy to improve knowledge regarding health-related problems and to develop health practices among pilgrims is needed.