Southern medical journal
Southern medical journal · Mar 2009
Review Case ReportsSpontaneous coronary artery dissection: case report and review of literature.
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a deadly cause of myocardial infarction (MI) that mainly affects otherwise healthy, young females. We examine the case of a young female who presented with chest pain. She developed ST elevations in anterolateral leads mimicking ST elevation MI. ⋯ The patient underwent primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with four paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents placed in the LAD. Diagnosis and management of SCAD have remained a challenge and no guidelines have yet been proposed due to the rarity and uncertain etiology of this condition. We review the medical literature on spontaneous coronary artery dissection and discuss its pathogenesis.
Southern medical journal · Mar 2009
ReviewIatrogenic meningitis in an obstetric patient after combined spinal-epidural analgesia: case report and review of the literature.
Iatrogenic meningitis is a rare but potentially fatal condition. We report a case of meningitis after combined spinal-epidural anesthesia and review previous reports of meningitis subsequent to spinal, combined spinal-epidural and epidural analgesia or anesthesia. ⋯ Droplet contamination or needle contamination from incompletely sterilized skin are the major routes for infection. Strict aseptic technique and infection control measures should be employed when accessing the epidural space.
Southern medical journal · Mar 2009
Maternal characteristics and outcomes associated with late enrollment for care in teenage pregnancies.
To identify characteristics associated with late prenatal care in adolescent mothers. ⋯ Third trimester enrollment for prenatal care in adolescents is associated with higher rates of adverse perinatal outcomes. Interventions to improve prenatal care enrollment among adolescents should be sought.
Southern medical journal · Mar 2009
Measurement of central venous pressure from a peripheral intravenous catheter in the prone position during spinal surgery.
A central venous pressure (CVP) measurement is used to assess intravascular status. Although this is usually accomplished by the placement of a central venous catheter (CVC), there are circumstances when placement may be technically difficult or impossible. The current study evaluates the feasibility of measuring CVP from a peripheral intravenous (IV) cannula in the prone position. ⋯ Provided that the PVP increases to a sustained inspiratory breath, there is a clinically useful correlation between the PVP and the actual CVP in the prone position.