Southern medical journal
Southern medical journal · Jul 2023
Comparative StudyComparisons between White and Black Patients Hospitalized with Postliver Transplant Complications/Failure.
The impact of race on patients presenting to North American hospitals with postliver transplant complications/failure (PLTCF) has not been studied fully. We compared in-hospital mortality and resource utilization outcomes between White and Black patients hospitalized with PLTCF. ⋯ Compared with White patients hospitalized for PLTCF, Black patients had higher in-hospital mortality and resource use. Investigation into causes leading to this health disparity is needed to improve in-hospital outcomes.
Southern medical journal · Jul 2023
Observational StudyASA Physical Status Determination by General Internists and Impact on Cardiac Risk Assessment.
Estimating cardiac risk is important for preoperative evaluation, and several risk calculators incorporate the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status score. The purpose of this study was to determine the concordance of ASA scores assigned by general internists and anesthesiologists and assess whether discrepancies affected cardiac risk estimation. ⋯ ASA scores assigned by general internists in this study were significantly lower than those assigned by anesthesiologists, and these discrepancies in the ASA score can lead to substantially different conclusions about cardiac risk.
Southern medical journal · Jul 2023
Associations between COVID-19 Death Exposure and COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Vaccine Uptake.
The aim of the study was to determine the relation between coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) death exposure and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and vaccine uptake among Arkansans, controlling for sociodemographic factors. ⋯ Many efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccines have focused on prosocial norms, including encouraging vaccination to protect the community from COVID-19 infection and death; however, COVID-19 death exposure was not related to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy or uptake in the present study. Future research should examine whether prosocial messaging is effective in decreasing hesitancy or motivating some individuals to receive the vaccine among those who have been exposed to COVID-19 deaths.
Southern medical journal · Jul 2023
Medical Students' Perceptions of Orthopedics as a Career for Women.
To determine potential factors influencing female medical students' interest and subsequent application to orthopedics, and to evaluate female and male medical students' perceptions of women in the field of orthopedics. ⋯ This study demonstrates that both male and female medical students believe there are significant additional barriers to success for women in the field. Study participants report that expectations set by physicians, other healthcare professionals, and patients contribute to creating greater barriers that deter medical students interested in orthopedics from ultimately applying to the specialty.
Southern medical journal · Jul 2023
Student Teaching in the Family Medicine Clerkship: Opportunities for Interactive Virtual Learning.
It often is challenging to deliver clerkship didactic sessions in a time-effective and engaging manner for learners. The flipped classroom approach, which fosters independent learning before applying knowledge in group settings, is an evidence-based way to enhance engagement and learning. Electronic learning methodologies were used widely during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic to ensure student safety while continuing didactics remotely. Student teaching of didactics delivers key content in innovative ways while also providing students with the opportunity to teach their peers. ⋯ Student-led teaching is beneficial to learners because it enhances engagement. It can be easily implemented and help reduce faculty burden for curricular development. In a distributed, community-based clinical model such as ours, electronic learning allows for coordinated teaching efforts across geographical boundaries.