Critical ultrasound journal
Ultrasound is being used increasingly to diagnose pathological free fluid accumulation at the bedside. In addition to the detection of peritoneal and pericardial fluid, point-of-care ultrasound allows rapid bedside diagnosis of pleural fluid. ⋯ The V-line is a useful sonographic sign to aid the diagnosis of pleural free fluid.
The diagnosis of a superficial abscess is usually obtained through history and physical exam but bedside ultrasound (US) and computerized tomography (CT) are sometimes used to assist in the diagnosis. It is unclear which imaging modality is superior for patients with superficial soft tissue infections. We compared the diagnostic accuracy of CT and US in patients with skin and soft tissue infections. ⋯ US is more sensitive then CT, but CT is more specific for superficial soft tissue abscesses. US demonstrated more visible detail within the abscess cavity compared to CT.
A validated tool has long been sought to provide clinicians with a uniform and accurate method to assess hydration status in the pediatric emergency medicine population. Outpatient clinicians use CDC height- and weight-based curves for the assessment of physical development. In hospital, daily weights provide objective data; however, these are usually not available at presentation.One of the most promising techniques for the rapid assessment of volume is ultrasound (US) to obtain an indexed inferior vena cava diameter (IVCDi); as previously described. Prior studies have focused on IVCDi in dehydrated patients and have shown that it provides accurate estimates of right atrial pressure and volume status. The objective of this study is to derive an IVC growth curve in healthy pediatric patients. ⋯ Data suggest a linear correlation between IVC size and age. Such data, when plotted as a new growth curve, may allow clinicians to plot a patient's sonographic measurements in order to assess hydration health.
The differential diagnosis and treatment of opacifications on the chest X-ray in critically ill patients may be challenging. This holds in particular the patient that suffers from respiratory failure with hemodynamic instability. Opacification in the chest X-ray could be the result of hematothorax, pleural effusion, atelectasis, or consolidation. ⋯ We present two cases with similar chest X-ray opacifications but different diagnoses established with the help of a bedside lung ultrasound. There is documented accuracy of ultrasound in differentiating pleural effusions from consolidation. Ultrasound is safe and may be an alternative for computed tomography scan in a hemodynamically or respiratory unstable intensive care patient.
Ultrasound (US) vascular guidance is traditionally performed in transverse (T) and longitudinal (L) axes, each with drawbacks. We hypothesized that the introduction of a novel oblique (O) approach would improve the success of US-guided peripheral venous access. We examined emergency physician (EP) performance using the O approach in a gel US phantom. ⋯ In this pilot study, US-guided simulated peripheral venous access using a phantom gel model in a mixed user group showed that the novel oblique approach was not initially more successful versus T and L techniques.