Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et réparatrice de l'appareil moteur
Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot · Dec 2006
Case Reports[Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma: a case report].
Bening fibrous histiocytoma is one of the most frequent benign tumors. Most tumors are found in the skin, particularly on the limbs. Tumor size is usually small. ⋯ Most deep tumors occur in the subcutaneous tissue. Deep locations in other organs have also been reported. We report a case and discuss the pathological and clinical aspects of this rare tumor.
Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot · Dec 2006
[Traumatic knee dislocation with popliteal vascular disruption: retrospective study of 14 cases].
Complex femorotibial dislocation of the knee joint generally results from high-energy trauma caused by a traffic or a contact sport accident. Besides disruption of the cruciate ligaments, in 10-25% of patients present concomitant palsy of the common peroneal nerve and more rarely disruption of the popliteal artery. The purpose of this work was to assess outcome in a monocentric consecutive series of knee dislocations with ischemia due to disruption of the popliteal artery and to focus on specific aspects of management. ⋯ An analysis of the literature and the critical review of our clinical experience was conducted to propose a coherent therapeutic attitude for patients presenting this type of trauma. The prevalence of disruption of the popliteal vascular supply in patients with knee dislocation is between 4 and 20%. The rate is closely related to that of injury to nerves and soft tissue. Ischemia should be immediately suspected in all cases of knee dislocation. The pedious and tibial pulses must be carefully noted before and after reduction of the dislocation to determine whether or not there is an organic arterial lesion. If the pulses are absent initially, they should be expected to reappear strong, rapidly and permanently after reduction. Otherwise, arteriography should be performed. Dislocation stretches the artery between two points of relative anchorage in the adductor ring and the soleus arcade to the point of rupture. Repair requires a bypass between the upper popliteal artery and the tibioperoneal trunk using an inverted saphenous graft because the walls are torn over several centimeters. The traumatology and vascular surgical teams must work in concert from the beginning of the surgical work-up in order to establish a coherent operative strategy founded on primary reduction of the dislocation, installation of a fixator and then vascular repair and aponeurotomy incisions. It would be preferable to wait until the bypass is proven patent and wound healing is complete before proposing ligament repair. This should be done after a precise anatomic work-up to assess each ligament lesion. Bony avulsion or simple disinsertion can however be repaired in the emergency setting at the time of the bypass as well as any ligament rupture which is obvious and-or situated on the medial collateral approach. Secondarily, elements of the central pivot can be repaired in young patients with an important functional demand. Arthroplasty is not warranted except in the elderly patient. Dissection of the popliteal fossa or debridement of the wound enables a careful anatomic assessment of the nerve trunks. In the event of a peroneal nerve disruption, it is advisable to fix the nerve ends to avoid retraction. Beyond three months without clinical or electromyography recovery, surgical exploration is indicated. In the event more than 15 cm is lost, there is no hope for a successful graft. Complete knee dislocation is extremely rare. It can be caused by high-energy trauma associated with several ligament ruptures, particularly rupture of the central pivot observed in 10-25% of cases with common peroneal nerve palsy. Compression, contusion or disruption of the popliteal artery is very rarely caused by the displacement of the femur or the tibia. Limb survival may be compromised. Mandatory emergency restoration of blood supply will modify immediate and subsequent surgical strategies. There has not however been any study exclusively devoted to double joint and vascular involvement. Our objective was to present a critical retrospective analysis of a consecutive series of knee dislocations with ischemia due to disruption of the common popliteal artery treated in a single center and to describe the specific features of management strategies for a coherent diagnostic and therapeutic approach.