Tijdschrift voor gerontologie en geriatrie
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr · Apr 2020
Review[COVID-19 outbreak in nursing homes: what can be learned from the literature about other disasters or crisis situations?]
Long-term care for older adults is highly affect by the COVID-19 outbreak. The objective of this rapid review is to understand what we can learn from previous crises or disasters worldwide to optimize the care for older adults in long term care facilities during the outbreak of COVID-19. We searched five electronic databases to identify potentially relevant articles. ⋯ Especially the experiences of older adults, informal caregivers, and nursing home staff with the care for older adults in the current situation, are important in formulating lessons about how to act before, during and after the coronacrisis. This may further enhance person-centered care, even in times of crisis. Therefore, we recommend to study these experiences in future research.
Late life is a period during which individuals are increasingly confronted with challenges and losses. These challenges can have a negative impact on late life functioning, which is often reflected in poor well-being or an increase in depressive feelings. Current research points out that positive psychological resources might enhance coping with late life stressors. ⋯ The idea of forgiveness being pivotal in late life can be framed within the life stage theory of Erikson. Erikson's psychosocial crisis in late life consists of finding a balance between feelings of despair and the achievement of ego-integrity and it is considered as a potential explaining process in the association between forgiveness and positive late life functioning. The results of three quantitative studies in older adults (75+) provide indeed preliminary evidence that forgiveness is a resource in late life. They show that the relationship between forgiveness and late life well-being can be partly explained by the developmental task of finding a balance between integrity and despair.
Geriatric rehabilitation concerns short-term integrated multidisciplinary care aimed at functional recovery and social participation for relatively frail elderly. Given the geriatric clients' complex care issues, nurses should possess sufficient and appropriate competencies in order to identify and assess the relevant symptoms and intervene effectively. Yet, nurses experience a certain apprehensiveness to perform their tasks and express difficulties in multidisciplinary communication and collaboration in a constructive manner. In addition to the client's and informal care giver's perception of their input in the geriatric rehabilitation process, this study provides an in-depth understanding of the way nurses perceive their role in geriatric rehabilitation. ⋯ Nurses working in geriatric rehabilitation, experience apprehensiveness to perform their tasks adequately. Uncertainty about the client's reaction or fear of damaging the relationship of trust, results in nurses not involving the clients and informal care givers in the draw-up of the rehabilitation goals. Apprehensiveness also submerges as the lack of experience or specific competences in considering the client's other life events. The recommendations address these aspects in particular.
Cancer is a disease that disproportionately affects the elderly. Evidence-based treatment is the golden standard of current medical care, and this is also true for older cancer patients. ⋯ The heterogeneity of the elderly population requires tailoring of care, which is the opposite of the often strictly formulated treatment recommendations in guidelines and protocols. This paper discusses several issues regarding evidence based treatment versus tailored care for older cancer patients.
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr · Sep 2016
[Perseverance time of informal carers: a new concept in dementia care : Validation and exploration].
The aim of this study was to introduce the concept of perseverance time of informal carers of relatives with dementia living at home. ⋯ This investigation provides a first indication of the validity of the concept of perseverance time, but replication is necessary. In healthcare practice persevering time provides clues for early detection of overburdening and crises situations.