Tijdschrift voor gerontologie en geriatrie
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr · Feb 2008
[Opinions of physicians and nurses regarding the prevention, diagnosis and management of delirium].
To assess the current opinions of physicians and nurses regarding the prevention, diagnosis and management of delirium, survey administration was conducted to 2256 nurses and 982 physicians within the University Hospitals of Leuven (Belgium). Response rate was 26% with 819 respondents (600 nurses; 219 physicians) completing the questionnaire. 72% of the respondents considered delirium as a minor problem or no problem at all. Yet over half of respondents working on a palliative care unit (87%, n=15), traumatological ward (67%, n=18), cardio-thoracic surgery ward (58%, n=20), intensive care unit (55%, n=120) and geriatric ward (55%, n=42) reported it as a serious problem. ⋯ Physical restraints were considered important in the management of delirium by a greater proportion of nurses (49%) than physicians (28%). The severity of the problem is underestimated. While opinions regarding the treatment were quite correct, prevention and early detection of delirium deserve more attention.
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr · May 2007
[Development of the behaviour observation scale for psychomotor therapy for elderly people with dementia (BPMT-dem). Reliability and concurrent validity].
This article describes the development of the Behaviour observation scale for Psychomotor Therapy for elderly people with dementia (BPMT-dem). This scale was developed in the late 1980s in order to evaluate the effect of psychomotor group therapy on the cognitive, social, and emotional functioning of elderly people with dementia within the therapy situation. The currently described research investigates inter-assessor reliability and internal consistency of the ten subscales (such as memory, orientation, contact with others, initiative, anxious behaviour, aggressive behaviour) and three domains, as well as the scale's correlation with other observation scales (concurrent validity) in two different patient groups. ⋯ The internal consistency of 6 subscales is sufficient, and recommendations are proposed to improve the consistency of the remaining subscales. Further research to test the unidimensionality and scalability of the subscales of the BPMT-dem, as well as the effect of the recommended reformulation and removal of items, is recommended. Before the instrument can be used in actual practice, the psychometric qualities of the BPMT-dem73 need to be studied in a larger and in terms of severity of dementia more heterogeneous study sample, so that statements can also be made on which norms to use in various subgroups of elderly with dementia.
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr · Mar 2007
Editorial[Palliative care in dementia and the dismantling of the treatment function of nursing homes].
Palliative care is mostly restricted to the terminal phase of incurable illness. According to the WHO revised definition palliative care is specifically directed towards patients and families facing life-threatening illness. This definition is not adequate to orient and direct palliative care policies in non-cancer diseases such as dementia. ⋯ This disease trajectory necessitates an alternative palliative approach, implying a proactive attitude of nursing home physicians in facilitating early and timely discussions with patients and their proxies on advance care planning and treatment of complications and concomitant diseases. This, together with their specific training in the treatment of the long-term sequelae of chronic diseases, defines the success of Dutch nursing home medicine in foregoing inappropriate hospital admissions and providing adequate medical care in the nursing home. However, recent reorganisations of nursing home care and its funding threaten to downgrade the quality of medical care for patients with dementia in Dutch nursing homes by focusing unilaterally on welfare ideology and 'marketization' of long term care, thus underestimating the importance of a palliative care policy in dementia.
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr · Jul 2006
Case Reports[Rivastigmine as adjunctive therapy in the therapeutic dilemma for the treatment of hallucinations due to Parkinson disease].
We report three cases of patients with Parkinson's disease without dementia, admitted to our hospital because of hallucinations. The anti-Parkinson medication was adapted and the patients started with rivastigmine. As a result, hallucinations no longer occurred. ⋯ In addition to adapting anti-Parkinson doses and sometimes short-term treating with an anti-psychotic, treatment with rivastigmine appears to be a quick improvement, without serious side effects. Also, mobility can improve, due to the possibility of increasing the anti-Parkinson doses, if necessary. Because of the many remaining questions, prospective randomised trials are needed.