Healthcare management forum / Canadian College of Health Service Executives = Forum gestion des soins de santé / Collège canadien des directeurs de services de santé
Healthc Manage Forum · Jan 1992
Hospital reimbursement in Alberta: outcomes management is on the way.
The Alberta government has initiated a process to alter fundamentally the way it pays hospitals. As with most provinces, Alberta has been paying hospitals for what they spend. The new Alberta model will initially pay hospitals for what they do and ultimately will pay hospitals for what they ought to do; that is, for the outcomes that should be achieved. ⋯ The HPI is the average predicted cost per case divided by the unweighted average actual cost per case. The HPI is intended as an interim measure only. Ultimately, the system will evolve into a true prospective case-based system with volume controlled via role statements and linked to clinical outcomes.
Although the title "chief information officer" (CIO) has enjoyed some success in the private sector, it is not yet a common term in Canadian health care. However, with the explosion of information technology, the particular responsibilities of the person overseeing hospital information are significantly different from those using the title "chief financial officer", "chief operating officer" or "associate/assistant executive director". To determine the popularity of the term in Canada, 146 hospitals with more than 200 beds were surveyed. ⋯ Only two respondents used CIO as a title. It is suggested that a CIO is a bridge between older systems and models, and new technologies and techniques. The future success of CIOs in Canadian health care, however, depends partly on those holding the positions today, and their acceptance that information is both a resource and a strategic opportunity.