Nagoya journal of medical science
Comparative Study
A permission system for carbapenem use reduced incidence of drug-resistant bacteria and cost of antimicrobials at a general hospital in Japan.
Some drug management systems have been established in Japanese hospitals to reduce medical costs and regulate drug usage. Among the many available prescription drugs, antimicrobials should be given special attention because their inappropriate use often leads to sudden outbreaks of resistant bacteria. As drug specialists, pharmacists should monitor the use of all drugs, particularly antimicrobials. ⋯ The number of carbapenem prescriptions was decreased dramatically when this permission system was enforced. Compared to the non control system, the cost of antimicrobials was reduced by $757,470 for the 14-month study period using the permission system. These results suggest that our system to control the use of antimicrobials can efficiently suppress the incidence of drug-resistant bacteria and medical costs at hospitals.
A spontaneous cervical epidural hematoma (SCEH) is a rare condition, which usually requires urgent treatment. However, unusual manifestations, such as hemiparesis, may lead to a misdiagnosis. We herein report a case of SCEH that presented with pure motor hemiparesis to discuss the appropriate and prompt diagnosis and treatment of such cases. ⋯ She was managed conservatively and her symptoms improved significantly. The authors emphasize that cervical spinal lesions should be considered in the differential diagnosis for patients with acute onset of hemiparesis, when they are associated with neck pain. Even though magnetic resonance imaging is the gold standard, a CT scan is also useful for quick screening for SCEH.
Forearm rotation occurs around an axis connecting the center of the radial head and the fovea of the distal ulna. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the usefulness of the difference between forearm and proximal radial axis in the treatment of malunited forearm fractures. We reviewed the results of eight corrective osteotomies for malunited fractures of the forearm without dislocations of the wrist or elbow. ⋯ Postoperative rotational are correlated with proximal radial tilt (r = -0.83). No significant difference in rotational arc was evident between malunited cases and the remaining cases. To improve forearm rotation, corrective osteotomy should be planned to minimize proximal radius tilt.