East African medical journal
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Use of a simple pain model to evaluate analgesic activity of ibuprofen versus paracetamol.
To study the frequency of occurrence as well as the course and variations in the communicating branch of the musculocutaneous nerve and the relationship of the communicating branch to other structures in the upper arms of Zimbabwean subjects. ⋯ The communicating branch was present in 33% of the cases. The communicating branch when present varied considerably in respect of its origin and its union with the median nerve. In one extreme case, the whole musculocutaneous nerve joined the median nerve and the muscular branches to the biceps brachii and brachilis arose from the median nerve. The clinician or surgeon should be aware of the presence of communicating branch and its variations in origin, course and relationships in the upper arm.
To study the aetiology, morbidity and mortality of neonatal intestinal obstruction. ⋯ The morbidity and mortality of neonatal intestinal obstruction in this hospital has improved over previous years due largely to meticulous resuscitation before surgery but the problems of late presentation and poor neonatal intensive care facilities persist. The findings are at variance with those in developed countries.