Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica
Bleeding complications arise in 1/4 of patients with hiatal hernia and GERD, and are the cause in 10% of all acute and 1/3 of chronic foregut bleedings. Most common bleeding disorders directly related to hiatal hernia and GERD are: hiatal hernia ulcers, erosive esophagitis, esophageal ulcers, peptic strictures and Barrett esophagus. The aim of this review article is to point out a significance of proper diagnosis and treatment for conditions bonded with hiatal hernia and GERD which can lead to severe esophageal bleedings. Detailed etiology, incidence, diagnostic algorithm and treatment of Cameron lesions, prolapse gastropathy, erosive esophagitis, peptic esophageal ulcers and postoperative complications related to hiatal hernia and GERD are presented in this article.
Comparative Study
[Comparison of granisetron and metoclopramide for prevention of nausea and vomiting following total cystectomy and ileal conduit].
The objective of this study was to examine the use of granisetron in actual clinical practice and to compare effect of dose of 1 mg granisetron after total cystectomy plus ileal conduit with group of patients which received metoclopramide. Granisetron established total contol of PONV in 93,33% patients. Granisetron is 40% more effective in PONV control than metoclopramide. Only minimal nausea epizodes were observed in early postoperative period in patients who had received low dose of granisetron (1 mg i.v.).
Massive hemorrhage is a formidable challenge for anesthesia care providers in the elective setting and poses even greater potential challenges in the trauma setting. In all this cases, the anesthesia care providers are faced with large-volume resuscitations that typically start with crystalloid and colloid and rapidly progress to blood and blood products. ⋯ Maintaining a normal body temperature is a first-line, effective strategy to improve hemostasis during massive transfusion. Treatment strategies include the maintenance of adequate tissue perfusion, the corection of anemia, and the use of hemostatic blood products.
Review article summarizes current knowledge of general and epidural anaesthesia combination for major abdominal surgery and incidence of postoperative complications. Continuous epidural local anaesthetics especially through thoracic placed epidural catheter decrease opioids use and as part of "acute rehabilitation" plays important role in postoperative recovery. Most of the studies showed tion is not dependent on kind of anaesthesia and analgesia. Successfully treated postoperative pain prevents chronic postoperative pain, which is best achieved in abdominal surgery with thoracic epidural use.
Comparative Study
Combined general and epidural anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia for radical cystectomy.
The basic objective of the study is to present the effects of two types of anesthesia, general and combined general and epidural, on intraoperative bleeding and to present the effect of epidural analgesia during the postoperative period in radical cystecomy. Subjects who received general and epidural anesthesia had on the average 28.5% less bleeding than those who only had general anesthesia. Patients who received postoperative epidural analgesia had statistically significantly better analgesia during the postoperative period than those who were administered Tramadol intramuscularly.