Santé (Montrouge, France)
Santé (Montrouge, France) · Jul 2005
[Study of access to health care and drugs in Cameroon: 1. Methods and validation].
During the 1980s, an economic depression and the concomitant decrease in the national health budget modified the population's health behavior. Improvement of the economy since the late 1990s makes it possible to renew the national health policy. To prepare the highly indebted and poor countries' program (HIPC), the Minister of Health and its partners commissioned a survey to measure the population's real access to health care and the factors that determine this accessibility and to propose concrete corrective actions. ⋯ However, the retrospective demographic and statistic evaluation shows that the samples are representative of their population and that the data quality can be considered good. This article describes the background of this study and justifies its methodological choices. Future publications will analyze the data collected.