Tidsskrift for den Norske lægeforening : tidsskrift for praktisk medicin, ny række
We wanted to investigate the incidence of burns and the volume of in-hospital burn treatment in Norway. ⋯ The incidence of burns admitted to hospitals in 1999 was reduced by 20% compared to a 1977 survey. The number of reconstructive procedures was low; these options should probably be offered to more patients. We suggest that early transfer to a specialised burn centre should be considered for a somewhat larger proportion of patients.
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen. · Aug 2004
Historical Article[Regulation of medical research--why and how].
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen. · Aug 2004
Review[Problem forte--is paracetamol-codeine combination rational?].
Combination drugs containing codeine and paracetamol are widely prescribed in Norway. ⋯ Codeine is an opiate with uncertain and unpredictable effects. The therapeutic benefit from the codeine component in combination with paracetamol is small, even in single dose evaluations. In chronic use, the therapeutic efficacy is most likely outweighed by side effects, including development of tolerance and abuse.
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen. · Aug 2004
[Simulation--an efficient way of learning in graduate and continuous medical education].
Different types of simulators and simulated situations are being used in the training of doctors. Even though simulation as a learning method has been used in various areas such as aviation and oil industry, it has only recently been applied to medical education. Simulation seems to be very well suited in training for and building skills and experience with life threatening situation that are seldom seen. It represents no risk to the patient and it opens up for training in realistic scenarios. ⋯ Simulation and team simulation in particular is highly rated by participating professionals. There seems to be a problem in finding objective criteria for assessing the simulated scenarios and then to generalise the findings to real situations.