Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiĭskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk
Vestn. Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR · Jan 1990
[Gas exchange and respiration mechanics during high-frequency jet ventilation of the lungs].
Gas exchange and pulmonary mechanics in high frequency-jet ventilation (HFJV) were studied during intubation anesthesia in patients with normal respiratory organs. The HFJV frequency ranged from 100 to 400 per minute. The tidal volumes (VT) varied from 50 to 140 ml. ⋯ The regimen capacity for inducing gas accumulation in the lungs is determined by the ratio of ventilation frequency to the expiration time (accumulation coefficient). The dynamic pulmonary distention in HFJV is attended with a rise in mean respiratory pressure which, however, remains lower than the mean alveolar pressure. The obtained evidence should be taken into account when choosing an optimal regimen for individual HFJV.