BMC pulmonary medicine
BMC pulmonary medicine · Nov 2015
Review Meta AnalysisHypertonic saline (HS) for acute bronchiolitis: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Acute bronchiolitis is the commonest cause of hospitalisation in infancy. Currently management consists of supportive care and oxygen. A Cochrane review concluded that, "nebulised 3 % saline may significantly reduce the length of hospital stay". We conducted a systematic review of controlled trials of nebulised hypertonic saline (HS) for infants hospitalised with primary acute bronchiolitis. ⋯ There is disparity between the overall combined effect on LoS as compared with the negative results from the largest and most precise trials. Together with high levels of heterogeneity, this means that neither individual trials nor pooled estimates provide a firm evidence-base for routine use of HS in inpatient acute bronchiolitis.
BMC pulmonary medicine · Nov 2015
A functional genomic model for predicting prognosis in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
The course of disease for patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is highly heterogeneous. Prognostic models rely on demographic and clinical characteristics and are not reproducible. Integrating data from genomic analyses may identify novel prognostic models and provide mechanistic insights into IPF. ⋯ Using supervised and unsupervised analyses, we identified a set of IPF prognostic predictor genes and derived a functional genomic model that predicted high and low-risk IPF patients with high accuracy. This genomic model may complement current prognostic tools to deliver more personalized care for IPF patients.
BMC pulmonary medicine · Nov 2015
Association between pulmonologists' tobacco use and their effort in promoting smoking cessation in Turkey: a cross-sectional study.
A strategy to reduce the number of smoking-related deaths is to encourage the involvement of health-care professionals in tobacco-use prevention activities and cessation counseling. Previous studies have shown that physicians' smoking status affects their efforts to provide smoking cessation counseling. This study investigates the association between pulmonologists' tobacco use and their efforts in promoting smoking cessation during their routine clinical practices in Turkey. ⋯ Despite low response rate in our study and suspicions of underreporting, the smoking rate among the pulmonologists in our study was high. Non-current smokers were more likely to provide high effort in promoting smoking cessation compared to current smokers in univariate analysis. However, after controlling for the two confounders, sex and practising in SCOC, there was no association between tobacco use and providing high effort in promoting smoking cessation. Thus, improving medical school education, specialty training and post-graduate training on smoking cessation counseling may positively affect physician' effort in promoting smoking cessation.
BMC pulmonary medicine · Nov 2015
Performance of noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure in critically ill patients: a prospective, observational, cohort study.
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is used in critically ill patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) to avoid endotracheal intubation. However, the impact of NIV use on ARF patient's outcomes is still unclear. Our objectives were to evaluate the rate of NIV failure in hypoxemic patients with an arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2) < 45 mmHg or ≥ 45 mmHg at ICU admission, the predictors of NIV failure, ICU and hospital length of stay and 28-day mortality. ⋯ NIV failure was associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death, ICU and hospital stay and was not affected by baseline PaCO2 levels. Patients that failed were comparatively younger and had higher APACHE II score, suggesting the need for a careful selection of patients that might benefit from NIV. A well-designed study on the impact of a short monitored NIV trial on outcomes is needed.