Veterinary and human toxicology
California recycles 50% of previously disposed trash. Increased use of yardwastes and composts has raised concern about toxic materials in these products. Oleander is a toxic shrub common to CA landscapes and is frequently clipped and disposed of in greenwaste containers, resulting in concerns about the toxicity of oleander-contaminated yardwastes and composts from these wastes. ⋯ In an amendment study with fresh uncomposted oleander, no oleandrin was detected in tomato and zuchinni fruit, snap beans, carrot tubers, or green lettuce. Oleandrin was found in red leaf lettuce growing in soils mulched with oleander, but oleandrin concentrations were near the detection limit of the assay. Soil from oleander mulched and amended plots contained low levels of oleandrin at the time of harvest.
Aeschynomene indica seeds cause a vestibulo-cerebellar syndrome in pigs. This experiment studied the toxicity of different plant chemical fractions in pigs to determine a susceptible laboratory species to search for the plant's toxic principle. Hexanic, ethanolic and acetonic extracts of A. indica seeds were administered to 1 pig each. ⋯ The residues were administered by gavage at 0.9 g/kg to groups of 6 mice; those dosed with the ethyl acetate residue developed nervous signs and died. Administrated to 4 pigs, the residue caused clinical signs and histologic lesions similar than those observed in experimental intoxication of swine with A. indica seeds. The active principle of these seeds was in the ethyl acetate residue and mice can be used as an experimental species to test toxicity of substances isolated from this plant.