Veterinary and human toxicology
Thirty-seven employees were exposed to cyanide between 1956 and 1985. One was found dead. Thirty-six employees were treated; most were given nitrite and oxygen. ⋯ Amyl nitrite and oxygen have been effective tools in the treatment of cyanide intoxication at this plant site. There have been no intercurrent or residual drug effects that outweigh the life-saving capacity of these agents. Sodium nitrite should be employed if the use of oxygen and amyl nitrite fail to improve the cardiovascular status/level of consciousness in 5-10 min.
Comparative Study Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Bittering agents: their potential application in reducing ingestions of engine coolants and windshield wash.
Ethylene glycol automobile engine coolants and methanol-based windshield washer liquids are toxic. Despite international attempts to improve the safety of these products through better labelling and packaging, accidental and intentional ingestions continue a source of poisonings worldwide. The rejection of bitter tasting substances forms part of the human defense against ingestion of harmful substances. ⋯ This study investigated the use of this bitter substance also as a deterrent against ingesting ethylene glycol and methanol. The palatability of ethylene glycol and methanol with and without the addition of DB was assessed using a human taste panel; 30 ppm DB rendered each product intolerable to the panel. The addition of DB to ethylene glycol engine coolants and methanol-based windshield washer liquids at low concentrations could afford protection against accidental ingestions.
A 59-y-old with a history of chronic renal failure on hemodialysis was diagnosed with herpes zoster and begun on 800 mg acyclovir 5 times daily. Two days later the patient developed visual hallucinations, ataxia, confusion and memory loss along with focal myoclonus, nausea and vomiting. No fever, elevated WBC count or significant electrolyte imbalance was found. ⋯ After a second course of hemodialysis the next day the patient's mental status improved, and she was discharged 5 d later. Due to its low volume of distribution (0.6 L/kg), low protein binding (about 15%) and water solubility, acyclovir is an example of the ideal drug that can be removed by hemodialysis. About 45% of the total body amount can be extracted through a 3-h course of hemodialysis with resultant improvement in symptoms.
Comparative Study
Effects of cadmium and verapamil on ketamine-induced anesthesia in mice.
Previous studies have shown that pretreatment with cadmium and verapamil potentiated the effects of some CNS active drugs. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of these agents on ketamine anesthesia in adult male mice. Intraperitoneal administration of 300 mg ketamine/kg produced sleeping time of 40.88 +/- 2.98 min. ⋯ Pretreatment with 3 mg cadmium/kg sc before 1 w caused a reduction in the potentiating effects of a 2nd dose of cadmium in ketamine-induced anesthesia in mice. These results indicate that prolongation of ketamine-induced anesthesia by cadmium and verapamil could be mediated either by inhibition of hepatic P450 metabolizing enzymes or neuronal calcium channels blockade. The tolerance to the potentiating effects of cadmium could be mediated by hepatic metallothionein induction and a reduction in total body cadmium burden.