Canadian operating room nursing journal
Can Oper Room Nurs J · Dec 1999
What makes your day? A study of the quality of worklife of OR nurses.
From data obtained in this study, the weak or negligible influences on the quality of worklife of OR nurses are: Organizational Structure Leadership, and Organizational Learning. Things that matter to OR nurses and that influence their quality of worklife are: Collaborative Decision-Making, Multiskilled Workers, Change, Organizational Culture, Locus of Control; and the most important influence of all- Teamwork. So, now when the question is asked "What Makes Your Day?" The answer is clear--at the end of the day, it all boils down to the most fundamental of all answers--People. ⋯ Questions that must be answered: Are nurses included in decisions made? Do nurses have what they need to work with? Are they given a reasonable workload? Are nurses part of a team that values them and their unique contribution to patient care? In the words of Senator Lucie Pépin (1999): "We must turn our anger first, into passion, then into action. A hostile or unpleasant workplace must not be tolerated!" With confidence we must be assertive as we look to improve our work environment. Yes, we can do our part, but now it is time for the other stakeholders to pay attention!