Gigiena i sanitariia
Gigiena i sanitariia · Jan 2014
[Results of biomonitoring for zinc in children of the Irkutsk region].
The aim of the work is to test the application of the method of evaluating the content of zinc in the hair of the child population for solving SHM tasks on the example of the Irkutsk region. In total 426 children aged 5-6 years were examined, selected in four groups. The first group was consisted of children residing in a large industrial center to the south of the region, the second--in the the small town of the central part, the third group was formed by rural children of the central region, and the fourth--the northern and foothill regions. ⋯ The highest concentrations of zinc in hair were observed in children living in the northern foothills and the Irkutsk region, which are characterized by elevated levels of this metal in the soil. In the diet of the inhabitants of these regions there is prevailed local food of animal origin, which is the main source of the entry of zinc into the body. In areas of intensive industrial development, despite the rather high zinc content in the objects of the environment, there was noted the high frequency of the zinc deficiency states, especially in conditions of complex chemical factors exposure and lifestyle that may be associated with features of not only input, but also the absorption of zinc in the body children.
Gigiena i sanitariia · Nov 2013
[Modern problems of the application of sanitary regulations concerning sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, buildings and other facilities].
In this paper there was performed an analysis of the application of sanitary norms and rules concerning sanitary protective zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, buildings and other facilities, including requirements for the sufficiency and accuracy of information in the performance of projects in sanitary protection zone (SPZ). There is presented an analysis of regulations that set requirements for implementation of mapping works in drafting the SPZ. ⋯ The substantiations of requirements for graphic and text content, structure, and composition of data, sources of their obtaining, methods of data convergence are reported. There are revealed inconsistencies in Sanitary Regulations and Norms (SanPins) and in their relationship with the Town Planning and Land Code and other laws, and regulations adopted in their development.
Gigiena i sanitariia · Nov 2013
[Assessment of the impact of socio-economic factors on the health state of the population of the Sverdlovsk region in the system of social-hygienic monitoring].
There was investigated the impact of socioeconomic factors on medical and demographic processes in working age population. For the assessment of the impact of living conditions and environmental factors on mortality rate in a population of the Sverdlovsk region factor-typological, correlation and regression analyzes were applied There was shown an availability of statistically significant correlation relationships between mortality of the population of working age and socio-economic characteristics (degree of home improvement, quality of medical care, the level of social tension, the level of the demographic load), as well as between their increments with taking into account the time shifts. The effect of the value of the purchasing power on the mortality rate of the working population has been established The purchasing power was shown to be connected with a mortality rate of working population from external causes more stronger than death from all causes.
Gigiena i sanitariia · Nov 2013
[Drinking water regulations in Ukraine and infectious morbidity rate with water pathway of transmission of causative agents].
These are presented drinking water regulations in Ukraine on microbiological indices in the new state document "Hygienic Drinking water regulations intended for human consumption" (State sanitary regulations and standards (GsanPiN) 2.2.4-171-10). There is reported an analysis of both the open waterbodies water quality and water for centralized water supply in 2007-2011 and 1992-1996 also on sanitary-bacteriological indices for performance of comparative retrospective analysis. There has been shown water quality degradation for open waterbodies, the main sources of water supply for population. ⋯ This index correlates with a decrease in the number of outbreaks of infections transmitted by water. There was noted unsatisfactory registration of viral infections with water pathway of transmission and the increase in morbidity rate of gastroenterocolitides of unknown etiology that may include acute viral intestinal infections. Expediency to keep "fermentation of glucose" test in bacteriological examination of water in the identification scheme of general coliforms has been substantiated.
Gigiena i sanitariia · Nov 2013
[Healthcare of children and adolescents in national strategy for action for children for 2012-2017].
The National Strategy defines the main directions and objectives of public policy in the interests of children and the key mechanisms for its implementation. The strategy is based on the universally recognized principles and norms of international law. Implementation of the National Strategy will be realized in the following areas: Family Child Welfare Policy, availability to quality education and training, cultural development, and information security of children, child-friendly health care, and healthy lifestyle; equal opportunities for children in need of special care of the State, the creation of protection and safeguarding the rights and interests of children and child-friendly justice, and children - members of the realization of National Strategy. ⋯ The main tasks in the part of hygiene and children's health are: state support for the construction of new preschool educational institutions and the development of all forms of safe preschool education, including non-state sector, providing for every upperclassman safe choice of training profile corresponding to his inclinations and life plans, as well as the functional possibilities and health state; providing quality psychological, correctional and pedagogical aid to children in educational institutions; renewal of forms and methods of control of child neglect, drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, prostitution; the development of effective mechanisms in prevention of deviant behavior in childhood; the creation and implementation of training programs for children and adolescents on rules of safety behavior in the World Wide Web, prevention of Internet addiction; the introduction of the system for monitoring of the educational environment; the creation of portals and sites accumulating the information about best resources for children and parents. Creation child-friendly health care is provided by: improvement of the regulatory and legal framework in the area of the healthcare of children, the development of technologies for complex diagnosis and early medical and social care for children with deviations in development and health, development of adolescent medicine, creation of the Youth Counselling Centres, centers for reproductive health care for adolescents and centers for medical and social care for adolescents; implementation of educational work on the prevention of early pregnancies and abortions in minors; support for successfully realized projects for creation friendly to children and young people clinics in the regions; restoring medical offices in educational institutions, the encouragement of responsibility of health staff in medical institutions in delivery of health care to children, available developed network of institutions, including telephone emergency services, counseling online, providing help to children and adolescents to will protect children in hardship. Availability of physical culture and sports, tourism infrastructure for all children with bearing in mind their individual needs, increasing the proportion of children and adolescents regularly engaged in physical culture and sport, will meet natural biological move requirements of children.