Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR
Intertrochanteric fractures are one of the most common fractures encountered in our practice. Most of them need operative intervention and union is achieved. As per the literature dynamic hip screw (DHS) is the gold standard for the treatment of these fractures, however problem arises with maintenance of neck shaft angle and proper reduction in unstable intertrochanteric fractures. The situation gets more complex when "cut out" of femoral head screw occurs either alone or in combination with varus collapse when they are treated with DHS. Here we are giving results of unstable intertrochanteric fractures treated with Proximal Femoral Locked Compression Plate (PFLCP) as compared with similar patients treated with Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS). ⋯ Treatment of unstable intertrochanteric fractures with proximal femoral locked plate (PFLCP) can give good healing, with a limited occurrence of complication.
Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) is an effective technique which may be used to manage upper extremities pain due to Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), in this study we tried to evaluate the effectiveness of this procedure under two different guidance for management of this syndrome. ⋯ According the above mentioned data, in comparison with fluoroscopic guidance, stellate ganglion block under ultrasound guidance is a safe and effective method with lower complication and better improvement in patient's disability indexes.
Multimodal analgesia includes regional anaesthesia in the form of nerve block may improve recovery along with optimal rehabilitation and early resumption of day-to-day activity following major surgery. Conventional general anaesthesia consists of premedication, induction, intubation and maintenance. ⋯ Multimodal analgesia has beneficial haemodynamic effects during oral cancer surgery with reliable postoperative analgesia and sedation and less postoperative complication. Dose of drugs used in our study is not associated with any major adverse effect.
Female sterilization is one of the best and effective methods of contraception for women who have completed their family. Tubectomy during caesarean operation and minilaparotomy are popular methods in developing countries whereas laparoscopic sterilization and hysteroscopic tubal occlusion are the preferred methods in developed countries. ⋯ An increasing trend in caesarean tubectomy and laparoscopic sterilization is seen in this study. Female sterilization should be individualized based on the timing, place and surgeons experience. Sepsis is a major cause of death and asepsis could be compromised when female sterilization is done in large numbers in camps. Hence target related approach towards female sterilization should be avoided. Laparoscopic sterilization has more procedure related complications, which can be better handled in tertiary care centres.
The study sought to identify the magnitude and characteristic of severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR's) like Steven-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN). ⋯ Present study suggest that drug induced cutaneous eruptions are common ranging from common nuisance rashes to rare life threatening diseases like SJS and TEN, SJS/TEN typically occur 1-3 weeks after initiation of therapy. Aromatic AED's, LTG, oxicam NSAID's, sulfasalazine and levofloxacin have a tremendous potential to trigger SCARS's. To ensure safe use of pharmaceutical agents and better treatment outcomes post marketing voluntary reporting of severe rare and unusual reactions remains inevitable.