Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
Review Case Reports
Challenges in the Management of Geriatric Trauma: A Case Report.
This article describes geriatric trauma and commonly associated difficulties emphasizing both the epidemiology and assessment of geriatric trauma. There is little data guiding decisions for trauma patients 65 years or older, as there are many unique characteristics to the geriatric population, including comorbidities, medications, and the aging physiology. ⋯ Although each patient presents differently, there remains a need for the consistent utilization of standard guidelines to help dictate care for geriatric patients, particularly for patients not receiving care at a trauma center. This review uses a case study about an elderly woman with many comorbidities, followed by a comprehensive discussion of geriatric trauma and the challenges that result from a lack of guideline utilization to direct management.
Comparative Study
A New Craniothoracic Mattress for Immobilization of the Cervical Spine in Critical Care Patients.
Current immobilization techniques of the cervical spine are associated with complications including pressure ulcers, discomfort, and elevated intracranial pressures with limited access to the thorax and airway. In this study, a newly developed craniothoracic immobilizer (Pharaoh mattress) for critical care patients with cervical injury was tested for its restriction of cervical movement, peak interface pressures, comfort, and radiolucency, and compared with headblocks strapped to a spineboard. Cervical movement was measured by roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis in 5 fresh frozen cadavers. ⋯ The Pharaoh mattress absorbed more x-rays than the spineboard. The Pharaoh mattress provides similar restriction of cervical movement compared with headblocks strapped to a spineboard but with lower interface pressures and increased comfort. This new mattress could be useful for immobilization of the cervical spine in critical care patients with mechanically instable spinal fractures.