BMC research notes
The aim of this study is to determine the levels of job satisfaction and to collect information about the factors affecting job satisfaction of Iranian ICU hospital nurses. ⋯ The participants included 124 nurses working in the ICU section of hospitals in the city of Amol in Iran, who were selected by census method. The instruments for gathering the information included Demographic Information Questionnaire and also the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. The results revealed that the average score of job satisfaction among ICU nurses was 2.50 ± 0.51. Also job satisfaction among women was higher than men (P = 0.03, t = 0.4). One way analysis of variance showed a significant relation between job satisfaction level with employment status and overtime work. Also older nurses had higher levels of job satisfaction. Hospital directors and managers, can use the results of this study in order to have a deeper understanding of job satisfaction among nurses, and the factors affecting it.
Randomized Controlled Trial
To send or not to send: weighing the costs and benefits of mailing an advance letter to participants before a telephone survey.
A letter was mailed to half the participants (Letter = 137; No Letter = 138) of a 5-year follow-up survey regarding smoking cessation before attempting contact for a telephone interview. The primary outcome was the number of completed surveys per group (response rate). Secondary analyses of the number of telephone calls placed and a cost analysis were performed. ⋯ No conclusive effect was found on the response rates per group (59.1% Letter, 50.0% No Letter; p = 0.147). Additionally, a logistic regression, controlling for demographics, revealed that there was no direct effect of sending the letter on response rate (p = 0.369). Non-parametric analysis showed significantly fewer calls (U = 7962.5, z = - 2.274, p < 0.05 two-tailed) and significantly lower costs (U = 11112.00, z = 2.521, p < 0.05 two-tailed) in reaching participants in the Letter group. Mailing an advance letter to participants did not appear to effect response rates between the groups, even when controlling for demographics. However, further analysis examining the number of call attempts and the costs per group revealed the letter may have had other effects. These findings suggest that additional analyses may be merited when evaluating the effectiveness of methods to increase participation, such as an advance letter, especially in cases where the literature largely supports its effectual use. Trial registration NCT03097445. Registered 31 March 2017.
We aimed to determine heart rate variability in freshly diagnosed untreated hyperthyroidism patients. We enrolled 10 patients (9 females) and 10 matched controls for sex and age. Each eligible patient underwent five different tests according to Ewing battery tests for cardiac autonomic dysfunction assessment. HRV was assessed during each maneuver and on 24 h using a continuous electrocardiogram with automatic estimation of SDNN, RMSSD, LF HF and HF/LH ratio. Results of tests were compared between hyperthyroidism patients and matched controls using the non-parametric test of Mann-Whitney. ⋯ Heart rate was significantly higher in patients with thyrotoxicosis (82.91 ± 10.99 vs 67.04 ± 6.80; 0.006) compared to their controls. On time-domain analysis, there was a trend towards reduction in SDNN (39.52 vs. 63.75; p = 0.2) as well as the RMSSD (30.44 vs 64.03; p = 0.09) in patients with hyperthyroidism. The frequency-domain analysis showed non-significant higher values for the LF (43.87 vs 38.85 ± 12.85; p = 0.8) and lower for the HF (32.54 vs 43.39; p = 0.3). Test's results were mostly impaired in hyperthyroid patients and all patients presented abnormal results for parasympathetic activity. Untreated and recently diagnosed hyperthyroidism is associated to an altered parasympathetic activity in sub Saharan African patients.
Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported that one of the authors' names was spelled incorrectly. In this Correction the incorrect and correct author name are shown. The original publication of this article has been corrected.
Clinician education and expertise in palliative care varies widely across pediatric oncology programs. The purpose of this evidence-based practice review was to identify interprofessional palliative care education models applicable to pediatric oncology settings as well as methods for evaluating their impact on clinical practice. ⋯ Based on a literature search in PubMed, CINAHL and Embase, which identified 13 articles meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria, the following three themes emerged: (1) establishment of effective modalities and teaching strategies, (2) development of an interprofessional palliative care curriculum, and (3) program evaluation to assess impact on providers' self-perceived comfort in delivering palliative care and patient/family perceptions of care received. Remarkably, health professionals reported receiving limited palliative care training, with little evidence of systematic evaluation of practice changes following training completion. Improving palliative care delivery was linked to the development and integration of an interprofessional palliative care curriculum. Suggested evaluation strategies included: (1) eliciting patient and family feedback, (2) standardizing care delivery measures, and (3) evaluating outcomes of care.