Variations in payment patterns for surgical care in the centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
We investigated provider and regional variation in payments made to surgeons by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by indexing payments to unique beneficiaries treated and examined the proportion of charges that resulted in payments. Understanding variation in care within CMS may prove actionable by identifying modifiable, and potentially unwarranted, variations. ⋯ We found significant variation in patterns of payments for surgical care in CMS.
Comparative Study
Is hepatectomy justified for patients with RAS mutant colorectal liver metastases? An analysis of 524 patients undergoing curative liver resection.
RAS mutations are associated with limited overall survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases. Our aim was to determine criteria for considering hepatectomy for patients with RAS mutant colorectal liver metastases. ⋯ Patients with multiple risk factors had poor overall survival after curative resection of RAS mutant colorectal liver metastases. For such patients, hepatectomy may be ill advised, and alternative therapies or further systemic therapy should be considered.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Occult lymph node metastasis and risk of regional recurrence in papillary thyroid cancer after bilateral prophylactic central neck dissection: A multi-institutional study.
The impact of occult lymph node metastasis on regional recurrence after prophylactic central neck dissection for preoperative, nodal-negative papillary thyroid cancer is controversial. We investigated risk factors for regional lymph node recurrence in papillary thyroid cancer patients who underwent total thyroidectomy and bilateral prophylactic central neck dissection. Analysis was according to clinicopathologic characteristics and occult lymph node metastasis patterns. ⋯ Although no significant association was observed between the presence of occult lymph node metastasis and regional recurrence, lymph node ratio ≥ 0.26 was an independent predictor of regional lymph node recurrence in papillary thyroid cancer patients who underwent total thyroidectomy and bilateral prophylactic central neck dissection.
Previous studies suggest that bridged mesh repair for abdominal wall reconstruction may result in worse outcomes than mesh-reinforced, primary fascial closure, particularly when acellular dermal matrix is used. We compared our outcomes of bridged versus reinforced repair using ADM in abdominal wall reconstruction procedures. ⋯ In our population of primarily cancer patients at MD Anderson Cancer Center bridged repair for abdominal wall reconstruction is associated with worse outcomes than mesh-reinforced abdominal wall reconstruction. Particularly when employing acellular dermal matrix, reinforced repairs should be used for abdominal wall reconstruction whenever possible.
Plasma-based resuscitation improves outcomes in trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock, while large-animal and limited clinical data suggest that it also improves outcomes and is neuroprotective in the setting of combined hemorrhage and traumatic brain injury. However, the choice of initial resuscitation fluid, including the role of plasma, is unclear for patients after isolated traumatic brain injury. ⋯ Although early plasma transfusion was not associated with improved in-hospital survival for all isolated traumatic brain injury patients, early plasma was associated with increased in-hospital survival in those with multifocal intracranial hemorrhage.