Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial
Nifurtimox is one of the two molecules used for treatment of Chagas disease. Although posology has not yet been clearly defined, nifurtimox is increasingly used, especially in combination with eflonithin. Nifurtimox is perfectly suited to the WHO's Chagas disease eradication program.
The Ebola and Marburg viruses are the sole members of the Filoviridae family of viruses. They are characterized by a long filamentous form that is unique in the viral world. Filoviruses are among the most virulent pathogens currently known to infect humans. ⋯ However, due to their extremely high lethality, association with multifocal hemorrhaging and specificity to the African continent, these hemorrhagic fever viruses have given rise to great interest on the part not only of the international scientific community but also of the general public because of their perceived potential as biological weapons. Much research has been performed on these viruses and major progress has been made in knowledge of their ecology, epidemiology and physiopathology and in development of vaccine candidates and therapeutic schemes. The purpose of this review is to present the main developments in these particular fields in the last decade.
Letter Case Reports
[Guillain-Barré syndrome following type 4 dengue in Polynesia].
Dengue fever is the most frequent arbrovirus infection in the world. It is endemic in French Polynesia where epidemic outbreaks sometimes occur. ⋯ Association of dengue fever with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) has been reported in a few cases. The relationship between these two pathologies is unclear but autoimmune mechanisms are probably involved.