The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine
Tohoku J. Exp. Med. · Apr 2020
Public Relations and Communication Strategies in Construction of Large-Scale Cohorts and Biobank: Practice in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project.
The Tohoku Medical Megabank Project was designed as part of the national reconstruction project for addressing the damage from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. It is an integrated project involving the genome cohort study of 150,000 participants, integrated biobank construction, and multi-omics analyses. Public relations and communication activities emerged to be extremely important in the successful development of this project. ⋯ By paying attention to these phases that have been changing according to the project's progress, we were able to adapt the strategies and methods of public relations and communication. The success of these activities has enabled the overall project to progress smoothly. We hope that the process of designing our project's public relations and communication activities will be useful for other similar initiatives.
Tohoku J. Exp. Med. · Apr 2020
Cardiac Remodeling Biomarkers as Potential Circulating Markers of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction.
Soluble suppressor of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2), galectin-3, growth differentiation factor (GDF)-15 and syndecan-1 represent biomarkers of cardiac remodeling, involved in heart failure (HF) progression. We hypothesize that their plasma concentrations, together with brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), are different in HF stratified by ejection fraction (EF), demonstrating correlations with echocardiographic parameters that indicate left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy; LV mass index (LVMI) and posterior wall and septum diameters. HF patients (n = 77) were classified according to EF: reduced EF < 40% (HFrEF), mid-range EF = 40-49% (HFmrEF), preserved EF > 50% (HFpEF). ⋯ In HFrEF, only sST2, adjusted, correlated with LVMI (p = 0.010), whereas BNP correlated with LVMI (p = 0.002) and EF (p = 0.001). GDF-15 correlated with diastolic dysfunction in HFpEF (p = 0.046) and HFrEF (p = 0.024). Cardiac remodeling biomarkers are potential circulating indicators of LV hypertrophy in HFpEF, which may ensure timely recognition of disease progression among high-risk patients.
Tohoku J. Exp. Med. · Apr 2020
Greater Muscle Stiffness during Contraction at Menstruation as Measured by Shear-Wave Elastography.
It is important to measure mechanical properties of muscle, since muscle stiffness is an important component of stabilizing or controlling joint stability. The levels of sex hormones especially estrogen vary over the phase of the menstrual cycle and impact the mechanical properties of soft tissue such as muscle, tendon, and ligaments due to the presence of 17-β estradiol receptor in human connective tissues. Recently, shear-wave elastography (SWE), based on ultrasound imaging, has been used as an accurate technique for visualizing and assessing tissue stiffness. ⋯ All muscles showed significantly greater stiffness during the menstruation than ovulation when muscles were actively contracted (P < 0.05), whereas no significant differences in muscle stiffness at rest were noted across phase of the menstrual cycle. These significant findings suggest that muscular factors are changed with estradiol fluctuations; muscles are less stiff during ovulation where the levels of estradiol peak when muscles in a contraction condition. As muscle stiffness is an important part of joint stability, these differences should be recognized to prevent the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.
Tohoku J. Exp. Med. · Apr 2020
Case ReportsEffectiveness of Profiling Serum IL-18 and Neopterin in Diagnosis of Adult-Onset Still's Disease Complicated by Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Case Report.
Adult-onset Still's Disease (AOSD) is a systemic inflammatory disorder characterized by high fever, skin rashes, and joint pains, and is extremely rare in patients over 80 years of age. An 88-year-old woman was admitted with high fever lasting for > 2 weeks and arthritis of the right knee and bilateral wrists. Further examination revealed that the patient fulfilled the Yamaguchi criteria, the most sensitive and extensively used classification criteria for AOSD. ⋯ She was placed on a 9-month course of anti-tuberculosis therapy and continued prednisolone tapering. She showed steady improvement and her cytokine profile showed a decrease in the IL-18 and neopterin levels. In conclusion, cytokine profiling is useful in making the diagnosis of AOSD and subsequent pulmonary tuberculosis developed during steroid therapy.
Tohoku J. Exp. Med. · Apr 2020
Case ReportsSmoking during Pregnancy Is a Predictor of Poor Perinatal Outcomes in Maternal Anorexia Nervosa: A Case Series and Single-Center Cross-Sectional Study in Japan.
Eating disorders are common psychiatric disorders among women of reproductive age, and the prevalence of eating disorders has been increasing over time in Japan and other countries. The aim of the present study was to assess perinatal outcomes in maternal anorexia nervosa in Japan and to explore methods to improve perinatal outcomes. This study consists of a case series describing 13 single pregnancies of 11 women with a history of anorexia nervosa, and a cross-sectional study comparing 13 cases with 240 healthy controls. ⋯ Smoking during pregnancy was a potential indicator of abnormal eating behavior and could be predictive of poor perinatal outcomes. We therefore conclude that remission of anorexia nervosa before pregnancy could improve perinatal outcomes through both normal nutrition and smoking cessation. Fertility treatment while underweight is not recommended.