Journal of thoracic disease
Traditionally, the choice of tidal volume for mechanical ventilation was based on body weight (BW) and usually, predicted BW was used to correct actual BW inter-individual variations in obesity and muscle weight. The method of selecting tidal volume depended on the fact that normal lung volumes, especially functional residual capacity (FRC), were mainly determined by height (indirectly by predicted BW), sex and age in healthy persons. However, FRCs in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) might not abide by the same rule and be significantly different from each other in patients with the same height and sex. We hypothesized that FRC was determined by body length (surrogate for predicted BW) and age in healthy male beagle dogs but not in lung injured ones. ⋯ FRC was linearly related to body length in healthy dogs but not in lung injured ones. The traditional view of setting tidal volume based on predicted BW should be challenged cautiously.
The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) defined at an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) ≥5 was a mean of 22% (range, 9-37%) in men and 17% (range, 4-50%) in women in eleven published epidemiological studies published between 1993 and 2013. OSA with excessive daytime sleepiness occurred in 6% (range, 3-18%) of men and in 4% (range, 1-17%) of women. The prevalence increased with time and OSA was reported in 37% of men and in 50% of women in studies from 2008 and 2013 respectively. ⋯ The prevalence of OSA has increased in epidemiological studies over time. Differences and the increase in prevalence of sleep apnea are probably due to different diagnostic equipment, definitions, study design and characteristics of included subjects including effects of the obesity epidemic. Cardiovascular disease, especially stroke is related to OSA, and subjects under the age of 70 run an increased risk of early death if they suffer from OSA.