Fibrinogen concentrate administration can be guided by measuring fibrinogen concentration or quality of the fibrin-based clot. This study compared different fibrinogen concentration measurement methods with maximum clot firmness (MCF) of the fibrin clot, assessed by thromboelastometry (FIBTEM), in 33 cardiovascular surgery patients receiving fibrinogen concentrate for hemostatic therapy. ⋯ Agreement between fibrinogen concentration measurement methods decreased considerably after fibrinogen concentrate administration. All methods correlated acceptably with FIBTEM MCF at the end of CPB, but not after hemostatic therapy. Further investigation is needed to explain these findings.
Warm fresh whole blood has been advocated for critical bleeding in the military setting. This study assessed whether unrefrigerated young whole blood transfusion, from donation to transfusion less than 24 hours, could reduce mortality of patients with critical bleeding in a civilian setting. ⋯ Unrefrigerated young whole blood transfusion was not associated with a reduced mortality of patients requiring massive transfusion in a civilian setting when other blood products were readily available.