Hospital pediatrics
Hospital pediatrics · Apr 2013
Care of the complex chronically ill child by generalist pediatricians: lessons learned from pediatric palliative care.
Parents of children with complex chronic conditions report fragmented care, unmet medical needs, and financial strain from health care costs. The aim of this study was to identify both prevalent themes discussed during pediatric palliative care consultation of patients with complex chronic conditions cared for by pediatric generalists and variation in consultation content by age and timing of consultation in disease course. ⋯ Common themes covered in initial consultations correspond with documented unmet needs for chronically ill children. There was no significant variation in consultation themes by age/disease course, suggesting that generalists could broadly apply palliative care techniques to improve family-centered care.
Hospital pediatrics · Apr 2013
ReviewSimulation training as a mechanism for procedural and resuscitation education for pediatric residents: a systematic review.
Pediatric residents often finish their training lacking sufficient procedural proficiency and resuscitation experience in the care of critically ill children. Simulation is gaining favor in pediatric residency programs as a modality for procedural and resuscitation education. We reviewed the literature assessing simulation and its role in pediatric resident training. ⋯ Although some studies show the merits of simulation in the procedural and resuscitation training of pediatric residents, more research is needed to assess the effectiveness of simulation as an educational tool. Goals of future simulation research should include creation of validated assessment tools and applying skills learned to patient care outcomes.
Hospital pediatrics · Apr 2013
Morphine is associated with acute chest syndrome in children hospitalized with sickle cell disease.
To determine if intravenous morphine is associated with acute chest syndrome (ACS) in children with homozygous for hemoglobin S sickle cell disease (SCD) hospitalized with acute pain. ⋯ We recommend close observation for ACS in hospitalized patients with SCD who are receiving morphine.
Hospital pediatrics · Apr 2013
The prevalence of bacteremia in pediatric patients with community-acquired pneumonia: guidelines to reduce the frequency of obtaining blood cultures.
The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of bacteremia in pediatric patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) at our institution and to test the effectiveness of newly developed guidelines for obtaining blood cultures. ⋯ Instituting local guidelines that limit the frequency of obtaining blood cultures in pediatric patients with CAP is likely to capture any patient with bacteremia. This study suggests that blood cultures may not need to be routinely obtained in all patients admitted to the hospital with CAP.