Indian journal of pediatrics
The routine use of frozen section biopsy to identify distal ganglionic bowel in Hirschsprung's disease is the accepted norm in well developed centers. With the aim of overcoming non-availability of frozen section biopsy and reducing the duration of definitive surgery, an alternative algorithm, based on extramucosal seromuscular biopsy at the time of preliminary fecal diversion and its examination by routine paraffin sections and staining, was developed and used in 100 patients at our centre. This technique accurately marked the ganglionic colon for pull-through operation in 96.2% of cases with rectosigmoid transition zone and in 91.7% of those with transition zone in the descending colon, thus obviating the need for frozen section biopsy and saving nearly one hour during the pull-through surgery. However, in the more proximal varieties of Hirschsprung's disease frozen section biopsy was still considered to be indispensable.