Rinshō shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology
Review Case Reports
[Blunt traumatic dissection in common carotid artery with serial morphological changes detected by carotid ultrasonography in the acute phase].
A 68-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with left hemiparesis, unilateral spatial neglect, and anosognosia at nine hours after blunt neck trauma. Carotid ultrasonography and angiography revealed occlusion of the right common carotid artery. A second ultrasonographic examination detected a double lumen, intimal flap, and a movable thrombus at the occlusion site, with reversed flow in the external cerebral artery and antegrade flow in the internal cerebral artery. ⋯ The finding of carotid dissection on ultrasonography varied during the acute phase. We observed a mural thrombus in the true lumen and vessel recanalization. Treated only by anticoagulants without surgical therapy, the patient had a good outcome without reattack or hyperperfusion syndrome.