Rinshō shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology
Case Reports
[Case of methotrexate encephalopathy: findings on diffusion tensor image and correlation with clinical outcome].
Methotrexate (MTX) is a major cause of treatment-related acute neurotoxicity. We report on clinical and imaging findings of reversibly restricted diffusion in a patient with transient encephalopathy after high dose MTX therapy for osteosarcoma. During the chemotherapy, a 19-year-old man was introduced for the evaluation of consciousness disturbance. ⋯ The follow-up MRI examinations using same protocol showed resolution of the ADC and FA abnormalities but increasing T2-signal changes. Neither contrast enhancement nor atrophy was encountered. Early detection of MTX white matter injury by DT image has the potential to alert the oncologist and neurologist to this event and provide a technique by which treatment of neurotoxicity can be monitored.
Review Case Reports
[Syrinx formation secondary to cervical epidural abscess].
We report a patient with syrinx formation secondary to cervical epidural abscess, cervical spondylitis, cervical discitis and meningitis. A 53-year-old woman developed sudden fever, headache and neck pain. On admission, neurological evaluation showed limitation of cervical motion, meningeal irritation, and exaggerated muscle stretch reflexes in all four extremities. ⋯ Six weeks after the onset of symptoms, a cervical MRI scan showed narrowing and synarthrosis in the intervertebral space between C5 and C6. MRI and myelo CT scans demonstrated a newly-formed syrinx from C3-C 7. This was an interesting case of syrinx formation secondary to cervical epidural abscess.