World hospitals and health services : the official journal of the International Hospital Federation
World Hosp Health Serv · Jan 1996
An era of change and reform in health and social security in Mexico.
As with many countries who try to provide their population with public health, social security programs and benefits, Mexico, for the past decade, has been striving in trying to allocate the proper means and solutions to the nation's medical and economic problems, with great difficulty. Being regarded as a developing country, many are the constraints affecting our financial and administrative attempted solutions (big internal and external debt, high inflation, unemployment, excess bureaucracy, constant mismanagement, overlapping health systems and in some spheres, even corruptions). In response to the above and in trying to maintain at least the current sustained level of care and attention built in the past through great effort and sacrifice by many, our country has taken the decision to search for new ways and solutions to promote change and public benefits. In a broad sense, this article then explains the transformation our health system is experiencing.
World Hosp Health Serv · Jan 1996
Professional satisfaction of doctors working in a super-speciality hospital in Bangalore.
The doctors' assessment of their jobs provides an insight into those facets of the profession which need attention. This study assessed the professional satisfaction of 80 doctors who responded to the 80 item multifaceted questionnaire. ⋯ The most satisfied group of doctors were the consultants with a performance based pay scale. Housekeeping, interpersonal relationship among doctors, nursing care and the pay scale of junior doctors are areas to which the administration should pay special attention if the professional satisfaction of doctors is to be improved.