Annals of burns and fire disasters
Ann Burns Fire Disasters · Dec 2018
The effects of Platelet-rich Plasma on healing of partial thickness burns in a porcine model.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from autologous peripheral blood is rich in platelets that release growth factors and cytokines. We determined the effects of topically applied autologous PRP in a partial thickness porcine burn model. Partial thickness burns were created on the backs and flanks of six domestic pigs (24 burns each) using an aluminium bar preheated to 80° C for 20 seconds. ⋯ Time to complete healing (presented as mean, [SD]) did not differ among the groups (antibiotics, 17.1 [3.5]; single PRP, 17.6 [4.0]; double PRP, 18.4 [3.9]; and triple PRP, 17.7 [3.3] days; ANOVA P=0.43). Scar depth (presented as mean, [SD]) in mm at day 28 by treatment group was: antibiotic 5.0 [1.0], single PRP 5.5 [1.1], double PRP 5.4 [1.1], and triple PRP 5.5 [0.6], ANOVA P=0.026. We conclude that PRP results in similar rates of reepithelialization and scar depth to standard topical antibiotics in a partial thickness porcine burn model.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis is a rare, potentially fatal disorder that involves large areas of skin desquamation. Patients with toxic epidermal necrolysis are frequently referred to burn centres for expert wound management and early comprehensive critical care as this has been shown to improve patient outcome and mortality. The authors describe the first report of medication-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis occurring in a patient during acute burn management in a tertiary burn care facility. ⋯ She required extensive debridement and allografting to manage burn injured areas and additional areas of epidermal loss from subsequent toxic epidermal necrolysis, amounting to a total body surface area of 90%. Definitive burn wound closure was achieved using autologous split-thickness skin grafting once donor sites healed and became suitable for harvest 3 weeks after the onset of toxic epidermal necrolysis. Grafts achieved complete take and the patient was discharged home following rehabilitation..