Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960)
In the article, the author conducts a reasoning which results in a moral consent to perform an act of euthanasia on oneself. However, the problem of our times is the demand for the right to assisted euthanasia, particularly the doctor-assisted euthanasia. It is argued that the only situation in which an assistance in performing euthanasia finds a moral justification is a situation of a complete physical incapability to terminate a patient's own life. It is also argued that an assistant cannot be a doctor because in such a case we would be forced to acknowledge euthanasia as the final stage of the treatment process.
Yesterday. School hygiene acted in a clear way. Physician, pediatrician, nurse and hygienist were employed at school and were responsible for carrying out periodic examination, vaccination of school children and youth. ⋯ Hygiene of studying, rest and daily effort. Struggle with mass media, alcohol, drug, Internet, Computer addiction, violence, stupidity and poverty. School Hygiene should be adjusted to youth's health needs in accordance with the recommendations of European Society for Social Pediatrics (ESSOP) and Committee on Public Education, American Academy of Pediatrics and reinforced, it should not be eliminated.
Claude Bernard in the late 19th century, was one of the first who recognized that acute injury was associated with the development of hyperglycemia. In 1942 David Cutherbertson introduced the terms ebb and flow to describe the phases of hypo- and hypermetabolism, which follow traumatic injury. Hyperglycemia during the ebb phase is promoted by hepatic glycogenolysis secondary to catecholamine release, as well as by direct sympathetic stimulation of glycogen breakdown. ⋯ In general, the degree of hyperglycemia and insulin resistance are directly proportional to the severity of the stress response. Hyperlactatemia and oxygen consumption also increase concurrently with the severity of stress. Modest hyperglycemia during stress may be of potential benefit by promoting cellular glucose uptake, however, severe hyperglycemia may be associated with complications, this in turn could result in organs dysfunction.
Psychosocial stressors are common problem affecting social functioning and health in many social groups. A great variety of stressors affect people working in auxiliary professions. Those stressors may induce professional burnout. ⋯ It also gives the literature review concerning job stressors in teachers. A wider view on teaching profession from the perspective of social sciences aims at deepened diagnosis and therapy in the context of psychiatric disturbances and constitutes the basis for planing and implementing environmental programmes of health promotion for this profession. Such perspective is consistent with the latest decisions of European Union.
Comparative Study
[Comparison of nutrition status of middle school children from Bialystok and its vicinity].
Nutrition state of gymnasium pupils living in the country and towns was evaluated. The study included 294 schoolchildren, boys and girls, drawn by lot from two public middle schools. The current body height and mass were assessed with regard to centile chart age norms. ⋯ The percentage of overweight boys living in town is high (25%); young people of both sexes living in the country show overweight in approximately 17%. About 13% of school children living in town and 7% from the country are underweight. The results indicate that in the group of school children involved in the study early prevention against obesity and chronic underweight should be employed.